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Hello God, it's me, Mara:
You know, Lord, friends shared part of some lads chatting together. One lad was angry, said he'd tried to catch a ride but was told he needed to apply ahead of time...... D. L. interrupted; "I KNOW what you mean, adding, you know guys, we're all created by our creator, given 'free will', sent to earth to do our job, when our time's up, our Father will call us back home. Once there, Abba Father will check the Book of Life to see IF our name has been recorded."
B. J. interrupted D. L. asking: "How can that be? I never heard of that!"
D.L. continued; "If you read your Bible, check Revelation. 20:15 where it says: 'Anyone whose name was not found recorded in the book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.'"
"That's scary; how does one get into the Book of Life?" asked K.C.
B. J. continued: "Our pastor had a wonderful sermon on HOW to get to heaven. He asked if anyone was interested to know, needed the key to heaven. Well, several of us raised our hands, he had us come forward, read Roman's 10: 9: 'For if you tell others with your own mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord, and believe in your own heart that God has raised Him for the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in his heart that a man becomes right with God; and with his mouth he tells others of his faith, confirming his salvation.' Pastor ended by saying that those whose names aren't found in the book of Life will be separated from power, the presence and the love of God. The only way to make certain your name is written in His book is to give your heart and life to Christ.... So, guys, if you've not already given your heart and life to Jesus Christ, do it right now. Amen!"
Love Mara
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