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The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, December 16, 2024, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Rod Tauck, Chairman, Mike Watkins, Vice Chairman and Pamela Castleberry, member were present.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by chairman Rod Tauck.

Guests included Commissioner Elect Dan Dinstel and Road and Bridge Supervisor Carl Knapp. Carl presented a letter for road damages by Oneok. It includes the repair of 13 miles of Mill Iron Rd and 6 loads of gravel on Prairie Dale RD. The total invoice for damages will be $184,614. The Commission requested that Deputy Clerk and Recorder prepare and invoice and send it to Oneok.

Carl stated that the T.C. Energy Project has been scaled back. He will let the commission know when he receives an update from T.C. Energy.

There was discussion regarding the payment of the signage for the hospital. Per the lease agreement between Dahl Memorial and Carter County Dahl Memorial should be responsible for signage. However, commission previously approved payment for the signs out of county funds and will stand by this decision.

The commission placed a call to Barney at Barneys signs and Custom Fencing to inform him that the county approved the quote to repair the emergency sign lettering and install signs for directions to the ER as well as signs at the entrance. Barney will require partial payment before ordering the signs. He is hoping to have the signs to installed by February. The call ended with Barney.

Commissioner Castleberry requested that the overtime and (Comp time) Compensatory time discussion . be tabled. There was no motion.

County Attorney Corbit Harrington joined the meeting.

Commissioner Castleberry requested that the revised personnel policy finalized May 2023 be sent to all employees. She stated that the acknowledgement form should be signed by the employees and returned to the county after the employee has reviewed the handbook.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to email the personnel policy to all employees. The policy should be reviewed and the acknowledgement form signed and returned to the county. When the Commission make changes to the policy, they will be made as an appendix. Commissioner Castleberry seconded the motion. Attorney Harrington commented that the employees would be signing the acknowledgement form as proof that they received the handbook. There was no other public comment and the motion carried.

Greg Benjamin of Stahly Engineering called into the meeting to discussed the T.C. Energy project. The project has been scaled back at this time. The Commission will let Greg know the scope of the project when they know more. The call ended with Greg.

The Commission placed a call to Todd Devlin of the natural Resource Coalition of Counties with questions regarding persons that would have the expertise to work with the county on the Land Use Plan and Cooperative agreements. There was no answer.

Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright joined the meeting to inform the Commissioners that she spoke with Bob Denning of Denning Downey and Associates CPA who informed her that there was an extension filled for the Carter County audit with Local Government Services. Judy stated that no one from the Clerk and Reorders office requested or filed for an extension. The Commission suggested that Judy actually file for the extension to make sure that everything is complete. Commissioner Castleberry made the motion to apply for an extension with local government services for the annual report. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright requested approval of the Extension Agent Administrative Assistant/ Clerks Assistant applicant. Commissioner Castleberry made the motion to hire Samantha Kanode for the position of Extension Agent Administrative Assistant/ Clerks Assistant as a full-time employee, with 20 hours dedicated to each office and an hourly pay of $23.03 an hour. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The Secure Rural Schools (SRS) Funding grant funds: County Treasurer Jesi Pierson stepped into the meeting to explain that the last time the funds were used was in 2014. The funds not use must be returned. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to certify the SRS form to return the funds Commissioner Castelberry seconded the motion. Public comment from Commission elect Dan Dinstel suggesting that some of the funds could be available for public safety and check into uses for EMT, search and rescue and fire wise program. There was no further public comment and the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned for lunch at 11: 45 a.m. and was called to order at 1:00 p.m.

Hannah Kearse of Montana Public Broadcasting (PBS) conducted an interview with the Commission regarding the Snowy River Sequestration project.

The Westaff Human Resources (HR) Contract was signed by Commissioner Tauck. The contract will be in service for one (1) year. There was discussion regarding who would be the in-house contact person, record storage and person of contact person for drug testing. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to remove the Human Resources duties from the Clerk and Recorder office as soon as the contract with Westaff in is signed all parties. Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright will stay on until a new in-house contact person is hired. Commissioner Castelberry seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Todd Devlin returned the Commissioners phone call to provide contact information for persons or groups that would be able to assist with the Cooperative agreements that would be part of the Land Resource Plan.

The meeting adjourned at 3:44 p.m.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/s/ Rod Tauck, Chairman

Attest:/s/ Judy Wright, Clerk of the Board


The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, December 31, 2024, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Rod Tauck, Chairman, Mike Watkins, Vice Chairman and Pamela Castleberry, member were present.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by chairman Rod Tauck.

The Commission reviewed payroll and claims for December 2024. Commissioner Castleberry made the motion to approve payroll in the amount of $291,959.95 and Claims in the amount of $212,718.07. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

County Attorney Corbit Harrington joined the meeting.

Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright stepped into the meeting to let the Commissioners know that the annual report has been submitted to Local Government Services.

There was a discussion regarding hiring a Human Resources contact person. There will be zoom meeting set with Michelle Edmunds of Westaff to discuss options for a contact person and the process with Westaff moving forward.

Commissioner Elect Dan Dinstel joined the meeting.

Fee and Scope for airport pavement repair project and Easement for AWOS Ill: Guests included Justin Zindell of KU Engineering, Troy Fruit Airport Board President, and Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright.

Justin outlined the financial scope of the pavement repair project as $353,050.00. The County portion would be 10% of total cost. Justin has already applied for the grant. The pavement improvement is a FAA requirement that must be done every 4-5 years. Commissioner Castleberry made the motion to sign task order # AIP 3-30-0025-017-2025 allowing for FAA funding for the pavement project. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried. Justin stated that if everything goes as planned the project bids will be awarded the end of March or first part of April.

Commissioner elect Dan Dinstel suggested that there be an advisory notice issued on the Ekalaka Airport webpage regarding the cracks in the runway. Troy will post the notice.

There will be a letter sent to adjacent land owners Hammels and Youngs inviting them to attend the January 09, 2025 Commissioners meeting to review and finalize the land and air easements for the AWOS Ill location.

The meeting broke for lunch at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m. with Commissioners Rod Tauck, Mike Watkins, and Pam Castleberry present. Guests included Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright and Carter County Extension Agent Amanda Williams, Attorney Corbit Harrington and Commissioner elect Dan Dinstel.

Approval of County Extension Administrative Assistant/ Clerk's Assistant position. The position was rejected by Samantha Kanode. Judy and Amanda recommended Brandi Johnstone for the position. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to offer the position of Carter County Extension Administrative Assistant / Clerks Assistant to Brandy Johnston. Commissioner Castleberry seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried. Judy and Amanda left the meeting.

T.C. Energy Project update and access / authorized site access request: The County received an email from Jack Schunke, PE, of Morrison-Maierle-Engineering as part of the updates to the gas substation located on the Mill Iron Rd. There was a call placed to County Road and Bridge Supervisor Carl Knapp for more information. Carl stated that he doesn't see that there will be much impact to the road due to the fact that the project has been scaled back from its original scope. County Attorney Harrington suggested that the Commission request a meeting with T.C. Energy and Morrison-Maierle to learn the projected start date and the scope of the project. The Commissioners agreed. There will be an email sent to Morrison-­Maierle requesting a meeting date.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve Commission Proceedings for December 091\ and 12th, 2024. Commissioner Castleberry seconded the motion. there was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Tauck administered the Oath of Office to newly elected officials District 3 Commissioner Dan Dinstel and Superintendent of Schools/ Clerk of District Court Tracey Walker.

The meeting adjourned at 2:37 p.m.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/s/ Rod Tauck, Chairman

Attest:/s/ Judy Wright, Clerk of the Board


The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, January 6, 2025, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Rod Tauck, Chairman, Pam Castleberry, Vice Chairman and Dan Dinstel, member were present.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by chairman Rod Tauck.

Public Comment: Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright joined the meeting to let the commissioners know that Otis Elevator Service Tech spent last Friday working on the elevator but it is still not working.

Senior Coordinator Tricia Lovec Joined the meeting to present an application for senior housekeeper. Commissioner Castleberry made the motion to hire Martha Elmore as senior housekeeper for 30-40 hours a month. Commissioner Dinstel seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Tricia informed the commission that she received a grant from Oneok in the amount of $4,000. She intends to use the funds for a walk-in freezer. Tricia left the meeting.

Commissioner Castleberry made the motion to approve Resolution 01062025-01 to set official commissioners meeting dates. The meetings will be the first 3 Mondays, the 3rd Thursday and the last working day of the month; with the hours set for 9 a.m. until all agenda items are covered. Commissioner Dinstel seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Dinstel made the motion to appoint Rod Tauck as Commission Chair and Pamela Castleberry as vice-chair for the 2025 year. Commissioner Castleberry seconded the motion. Dinstel and Castleberry voted in favor and Tauck abstained. The motion carried.

Commissioner Castleberry made the motion to approve Resolution 01062025-02 setting lodging rates, mileage and per diem rate. The mileage rate will be set at 70 cents per mile and the meal rates at $16 for breakfast, $19 for lunch, and $28 for dinner. Commissioner Dinstel seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Human Resources {HR) with Michelle Edmunds. Guests included Treasurer; Jesi Pierson, Deputy Treasurer

/ Payroll Clerk; Cecile Kuehn, Attorney Corbit Harrington, Secretary Stacey Ashbrook, Justice of the Peace; Kathy Rosencranz, Clerk and Recorder; Judy Wright.

Michelle discussed with the group digitally stored employee records and the need for security on the server if the county choses to store records online. She suggested that she have a county email that forwards to her so that County employees may reach her directly.

Michelle requested the county designate a point person or contact person between herself and the county. It was suggested that the contact person could be Cecile as she is the payroll clerk. Commissioner Castleberry made the motion to approve Cecile Kuehn as the HR contact with Westaff with stipend to come from the Commissioners funds. Commissioner Dinstel seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The personnel files will be moved to the Treasurers vault. The stipend would be paid to Cecile retroactively after the first month so that the hours required for the job can be assessed. Jesi, Cecile, Kathy and Stacey left the meeting.

Attorney Harrington received an application for Historical Easement on state trust lands for the Durm Rd. He will complete the application and present it to the commission at a later date.

There was a phone call with Nathan Desheemaeker regarding the land use cooperative agreements. Guests included Steve Summers, Rodney Walker, Llane Carroll, Jack Owen, Carter County Extension Agent Amanda Williams, Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright, Tyler and Lacy Wilson, and Liz Barbour.

Nathan discussed the difference between a Cooperating agency vs a Coordinating agency and how each would benefit the county. He touched on the need for a resource plan that could mitigate the effects of solar power, wind power and carbon sequestration on the land owners and the county.

Nathan will schedule a meeting with the commission January 21, 2025 to further discuss the options available to work with him including fees and services provided.

Llane Carroll spoke to the Snowy Rivers sequestration project time line. The final decisions may be made in March. The BLM is only making the decision on the right of way to the land involved in the project and EPA will finalize the decision to require an Environmental Assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The current Sage grouse plan will not affect the Snowy River project. Llane also sees an opportunity for a Cooperative agreement with other area Counties to pool resources and information.

The meeting broke for lunch at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at 1:10 p.m.

The commission was joined by the Carter County Weed Board Gabe Carroll, Lee LaBree, Matt McCabe, J.O. Tooke. Weed Department Coordinator Stefan Livingston and Administrative Assistant Taylor Kuntz and Carter County Extension Agent Amanda Williams for the annual joint meeting.

The Weed board meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.

The commission signed the corrected warrant to the FAA that was approved at the December 31, 2024 meeting.

The Commissioners placed a call to Terra Burman, Executive Director of Eastern Plains Economic Development Corporation to discuss the snowy River Co2 sequestration project and the Community Benefits funding program.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/s/ Rod Tauck, Chairman

Attest:/s/ Judy Wright, Clerk of the Board


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