Your Community Builder


December 15, 2024

Snow covered the countryside this week at Capitol and on Tie Creek. There was two or three inches that gave us some very needed moisture. At first the cloudy days were dismal and cold, but things warmed up every day and soon the snow was melting on Saturday. By Sunday, we had off and on showers of December rain, even though it was barely above freezing at ground level.

Alvin Cordell was enjoying the rain on Sunday. Wade Pearson had come out on Wednesday, to finish road work for Mark Baier. Alvin and Marlee went to Belle Fourche, on Thursday, to watch girls' basketball games between Belle Fourche and Buffalo. Kymber and Kynlee Cordell were playing on the Buffalo teams. Alvin came home that evening, but was back again on Friday to watch Gavin and Rhys Pearson play for Belle Fourche against Spearfish. Then both Alvin and Marlee came home that evening.

On Sunday, Marlee went to church in Camp Crook at the Methodist Church. In the afternoon Marlee went to Belle Fourche to see Cade Pearson in the last performance of the school's Christmas Program. Alvin has been feeding every day, and the moisture and hay are really needed.

Dick and Erma Albert had a quiet week. They went to the Senior Citizen dinner, on Friday. Next week will be the Christmas dinner, and Bobbie's last time as cook. She will be retiring. Dick and Erma went to the Catholic Church, on Sunday, where the kids did their Christmas Program, and there was a Pot Luck afterward. It was a great Sunday.

Lynn Gustafson and Linda Matthews went to Bowman, on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Bruce and Lynn went to the Hills for dentist appointments. They went to church at Little Missouri Church, on Sunday, where the place was packed for the Sunday School Christmas Program. After the program, they had a pot luck brunch and enjoyed visiting. That afternoon, Bruce and Lynn went in to Camp Crook to visit at Pete Anderson's, and got to see some of the remodeling that was being done on his house.

Doug Davis had gone to Buffalo, on Thursday, for a church council meeting and parish meeting. On Friday, Julia took Darla Hammel to Belle Fourche, where they got to have lunch with Darla's grandson, who was home for a visit. He is stationed in the U S Marines in North Carolina. Then over the weekend, the flu visited, so Doug and Julia didn't get to go to the Little Missouri Sunday School program on Sunday morning.

It is wrestling season again for the Paddens, so things are getting busy. Brandon and Ashley are both coaching, so Bryce and Dawn are busy with chores at home, before they can go to see grandchildren in their sports. On Tuesday, Dawn and Dorothy went to the Baker Clinic, to get some lab work done. They hurried home so that Bryce, Dawn and Dorothy could go to Buffalo for the girls' high school basketball games against New England.

On Friday afternoon, both girls' and boys' basketball games were against Newell at Buffalo, so they got to watch games all afternoon. Brandon and Ashley were coaching wrestling in Rapid City at the huge three-day meet that includes teams from seven states. It is really spectacular to look down to see all the mats and the many meets going on at one time, from the high seats. They were all glad to see the rain coming down on Sunday.

Karen Odell had a good, musical week. Christmas music is always lots of fun. On Monday, Karen got a ride to Ekalaka with Ernie, Rachel, and Tom Melum. Karen, Rachel and Tom joined the Community Choir at the nursing home, to perform the choral music they have been practicing. The nursing home is nice, but I am sure some people miss looking out onto that nice big and open yard at the old nursing home, where you could see people and cars pass by. After singing at the nursing home, their choir director invited the choir to her beautiful house for a soup supper before our concert. It was a nice leisurely time to visit. Those of us that came a distance for practices, especially enjoyed seeing people they seldom get to see.

Next everyone went to the Lutheran Church for the Community Christmas Concert. That concert began with solo, duet and ensemble selections of Christmas music; beautiful and some lively. Then the choir presented their concert of wonderful harmony. Their final Christmas song was named "Glow" with intricate harmonies that made it very beautiful. The concert ended when the choir lit candles and surrounded the audience while everyone sang "Silent Night", giving the peaceful feeling of Christmas. Choir members had brought treats and the visiting began, which made the concert into a perfect evening.

The week became snowy after that. It was a good time for Karen to stay home, send Christmas gifts, and read during the snowy days. Karen talked to kids and grandkids. On Sunday, Karen played piano at church at the Methodist Church in Camp Crook, where Darla Hammel was in charge of the service and gave an excellent sermon. There will be Christmas Eve services at the Methodist Church, next week.


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