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Conversations with God

Christmas IS coming!

Hello God, it's me, Mara:

You know, Lord, another friend shared about a prayerful 'blurb' she'd recently read which reminded her of where she'd lived or visited. 'Jenny' mention that she was having morning devotions near a window that looked out over a peaceful pond; which is way South; out of our state. Anyway, she heard the birdies singing, saw the sky was dusted with soft shades of blue and white which made her aware of Jesus's presence. But she'd lived in other places, where views were less serene with a littered alley in a crime-ridden neighborhood as a backdrop – which made her think: when our geography isn't idyllic, can we still find Jesus?

'Jenny' also mentioned that skimming through the Gospels, she'd looked for the many locations where Jesus was found: a stable, an Egyptian desert, a noisy temple, a mountaintop, Herod's palace, a cross, a tomb. Then added: "As Jesus walked this earth, He shared His love in all sorts of places. It comforts me to know that wherever my path leads, He will be there, He isn't limited to places that remind us of the Garden of Eden or to tranquil church pews.

"With Christmas coming up real soon, we know that Jesus will be with us everywhere we go, because Scripture tells us He lives within us...." Then she added: "I love Christmas Day. Jesus' birthday, time with family and friends, planning perfect gifts and imagine the scene that sparkled in heavens throne room that first Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day, we could be/should be thanking God for the brave shepherds, who were the first visitors.

"My favorite Christmas verse is, Luke 2:10-11{NASB}; 'But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.'"

Love Mara


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