Your Community Builder


December 9, 2024

Saturday was a beautiful day at Capitol and on Tie Creek. It felt like Indian summer again. We should have guessed that Sunday would be windy enough to blow many things to Wyoming or Nebraska. That day started warm and kept getting cooler.

On Tuesday, Ronda Cordell went over to Buffalo, to see Crystal, due to an inflamed and swollen eye lid which had come on suddenly. The lid appeared to be slit in one area, but that day she hadn't been aware of an incident having happened. Ronda was given ten days of antibiotic and several sheets of 'what to beware of' if it worsened. The antibiotic has helped, and now there's a scab in the eye lid crease. She finally become aware of what had happened. The gloves she's been wearing have a little zippered area, and the zipper pull has a small sharp pointed piece of metal on it. With wind blowing and coolness in the air, she was constantly wiping her tearing eyes with the gloves. That was not a good thing with those zippered gloves.

Amber Waves from Richardson, North Dakota were delivering an over-head cake bin to neighbors, on Wednesday. Clint had wanted to move one of their Amber Wave bins, and had called the company, a while back. Luckily they had them down on a list they got it moved.

Ronda drove to Ekalaka, on Thursday afternoon, to take in the Christmas Stroll. They couldn't have asked for a more beautiful evening to have it.

Ronda went to Belle Fourche and Spearfish, on Friday. She stopped at the Ford/Lincoln dealer east of Spearfish, to try to get a dimmer bulb for her car. It took some looking to find the part on the computer, and it had to be ordered. The next morning when she called Fruit's, Ronda was amazed that they have them in stock. She's glad to support our local businesses. Jake Reynolds was a lunch guest on Sunday.

Rachel and Tom Melum came down to Karen Odell's on Monday, to ride to Ekalaka with her for the community choir practice. The Christmas Concert will be next Monday evening at the Lutheran Church in Ekalaka. On Sunday, Ernie, Rachel and Tom Melum went to church at the Baptist Church in Baker.

Dick and Erma Albert made a trip to the Hills, on Monday. The new lenses finally came in for his glasses, so now he doesn't have to look between the scratches. They stopped and did some other shopping, while they were in town, On Friday, they both had dinner with the Senior Citizens. Bobbie had Lasagna this week, and there were lots of people there. On Sunday, they went to the Catholic Church for the services. Then, they had lunch at Saloon Number Three, with Father Brian and the Erk family

Cody Selting hauled a load of logs out to Alvin Cordell's from Sundance, on Monday. Alvin sawed the wood for him, and he now has a wood supply to use for building. Cody came out to Alvin's again on Tuesday and Thursday. Alvin went to Belle Fourche to look at a tractor, on Thursday. On Friday, Cody helped Alvin at the Horton place, where they were building corrals.

On Saturday, Alvin and Marlee went to find a cedar Christmas tree. They found a really nice one. Marlee set it in a bucket of water overnight and in the morning, the whole bucket was empty and the tree had probably needed that water. On Sunday, Marlee got the tree up and the lights on, and it is a really pretty tree.

Lynn Gustafson returned from the south lands, on Thursday. Things had been quiet around the ranch. Bruce and Lynn went to church at Little Missouri, on Sunday, and there were lots of people attending. Next week's service will include the Sunday School Christmas Program.

Doug and Julia Davis had appointments with the dentist and insurance in Belle Fourche, on Wednesday. Doug went to the FSA office to meet with them also. On a few nicer days, Doug and Morgan Buck got the rafters put up on the cow barn.

Bryce, Dawn and Dorothy Padden went to Buffalo for the junior high girls' basketball game against Baker, on Monday. It is always fun to watch the little girls play. Buffalo's second team tied the game with a three pointer in the last three seconds of the game, so it went into overtime, and was great to watch. On Tuesday, they were back to Buffalo again for the junior high wrestling quad, that had way more that four teams, but was also fun to watch. Dawn worked on house projects in preparation for winter, during the middle of the week.

On Saturday, Bryce, Dawn, and Dorothy went to the junior high girls basketball team games again, at what was called the Little Morreau conference tournament. Brandon and Ashley spent the day coaching the high school wrestlers in Custer. They sometimes have to go in different directions, but this was a big high school meet, and they might have gotten to go together. Their team did very well.

Karen Odell went to Ekalaka, on Monday evening, to practice with the community choir at the Lutheran Church. Rachel and Tommy Melum rode along with her. The choir is sounding really good and will have their concert next Monday. They will begin at the nursing home in the afternoon, and then will sing again in the evening at the Lutheran Church, for the community.

Karen made a trip to Camp Crook on Wednesday. She mailed letters and stopped at Wolffy's. On Sunday, Karen attended church on YouTube at the Marietta First Presbyterian Church in Marietta, Georgia.

Honesty is the first move toward wisdom.


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