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Conversations with God

One day at a time

Hello God, it's me, Mara:

You know, Lord, sometimes while out shopping, it can be quite interesting when passing by several others who are/were chatting away. One gal seemed to do the most chatting and mentioned how overwhelmed she was, just thinking about the future and all the problems that she and her hubby had to tackle – which all seemed, right then, that they were way too big. Her friend then spoke and said, "Marty, you sit right near me in church, didn't you hear Pastor mention that WE are to focus on life and the problems that we ALL have at hand – just 'ONE DAY AT A TIME'?"

Marty then answered with a bit of a laugh, "Oh, Silvia, you sound just like my grandma! I shared a few things with her some time ago. You know that she is one very special grandmother who prays daily for her off-spring, including me, too, of course.

Marty continued: "Grandma then mentioned that just that morning she had prayed: 'Heavenly Father, help me AND my grandchildren to live one day at a time and to trust that YOU will always provide exactly what we/they need.' Then she asked me; 'Marty, don't you remember a few years back, when you were some younger and got to stay with me, we always said a prayer before we ate?' Then she asked if I remembered Matthew 6:11, which right then I did not, but she giggled and said, repeat after me: 'Give us today our daily bread.' "YES, I did remember that Bible verse; do you say prayers before you eat, Silvia?

"Yes, Mam! We, as a family, DO pray before our meals. I thank you for sharing that with me today, Marty. Be blessed, dear friend and have a blessed day!"

Thank YOU, Lord, for allowing special conversations to fall on my ears. Bless those girls and their families... Amen!

Love Mara


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