Your Community Builder


October 9th, 2024

1) Call Regular Meeting to Order

a) Roll Call Council: Mayor Buck Kratzer called meeting to order at 5:02 pm. The presents were Melissa Lovec, Andy Wright, Rex McCord.

b) Employees Present: Calvin Jensen

c) Appointed Officials Present: Carol Spencer & Kamely Harkins

2) Pledge of Allegiance

3) Public Comment/ Complaints: Public present were Chad Hanson with Great West Eng. and Pat Strickland. No public comments or complaints.

4) Presentation of Petitions and Communications: No Petitions and Communications presentations at this meeting.

5) Unfinished Business * Action Items

a) Bridge replacement by Phil Cook: Conversation about what to do with the replacement of bridge and how to proceed. Mayor Kratzer is checking on prices and sizes for a culvert and will later meet with Carl Knapp. Council member Wright will visit Lu and explain what the town is doing with the bridge.

b) Water project: Chad Hanson, Project Manager for Great West Engineering, he let the council know where the project is at and he is hopeful it will be completed by the end of the month. Monro St. is completed with new lines and now they will get the road back into shape. Mike Coleman construction will pay for a local trucking company to lay 6 inches of town gravel to lift Monro St. and help with drainage. The construction is about to wrap up on Senator St. and will begin on Chicago St. by next week. Chad also let council know that Elston has been a great addition to this construction with his knowledge of the streets.

6) New Business * Action items

a) * Mason's concerning water rates: Pat Strickland with Masonic Lodge, a small community service organization, explained that they operate on a thin budget. They have about 15 members and are having a tough time paying for utilities. He hopes to gain more members in the future. Pat asked the town to help them with Inactive/Vacant fee. The council asked a few questions regarding what they can do to help alleviate their burden and how the Masons can raise their membership and maybe do some fundraising to help with the cost. Pat also mentioned that they might restore the basement and make it into a couple of apartments for rental. The Mason's are also trying to get more involved with the community. Melissa moved to table until the next meeting to look into the non-profit organization and what the town can do. There was discussion on the Mason's need to look at grants and looking to becoming a historic building. Carol seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes 0 eyes.

b) *Re-sign of Budget Resolution: The resolution only needed to be re-signed since the voted levy was wrong, no action was taken, just signatures.

c) * Purchase of container: Kamely got quotes for a new and used 20-foot and 40-foot container to replace a falling down shed at the town shop. Carol moved to purchase a 40-foot container for $6,200.00, Rex seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes 0 nays.

d) Short street water issues: Betty Carroll came to the office concerning the water that pools on short street and causing erosion on the sidewalk of the manor. The council discussed that the culvert may need to be replaced or extended and may need some concrete on top of the culvert to seal it. They also discussed what the town can do to fix the issue. Calvin and Andy will check it out and put a laser on it to make sure there's a slope and open the other side of the culvert. Mayor Buck also mentioned that this culvert need to be on a routine cleaning schedule.

e) *Gravel to lift Monro St: Mike Coleman Construction will pay the trucking for the town in exchange of some days of delays on water project. They will use town gravel for the lift and add the approved road grade gravel on top of the lift of Monro. Carol moved to approve the lift of Monro with town gravel. Rex Seconded no discussion. Motion carried with 4 ayes 0 nays

7) Minutes from the last meeting(s): Andy moved to approve September 4th minutes, Carol seconded, no discussion. Motion carried with 4 ayes 0 nays.

8) Claims Approval- Andy moved to approve claims for $384,026.71. Carol seconded no discussion. Motion carried with 4 ayes 0 nays.

9) Reports of Officers:

a) Public Works Director: Calvin has been busy jetting sewer lines and started the new service line for Dave Morgan but can't seem to find where the water comes from, he will wait when water project people shut Chicago down to make sure it comes from there. Getting ready for winter, sent Dewey to dump on Tuesday, graveled a few alleys and had a few more to do.

b) Mayor: Buck Kratzer found a culvert and will see if it's the right size and get a price.

c) Attorney: Jeff and Kamely visited about the issue with the dog ordinance not being enforced and Jeff advised that he could start filing a misdemeanor on complaint, but wished the town didn't have to pay him to do it when the town has an agreement with the county for the sheriff's Department.

d) Council: no reports.

10) Reports of Standing and Special Committees:

a) Administrative (Clerk/Treasurer): Clerk received a phone call from County to advise the town that they were demolishing the old house across from the old nursing home and might have a few traffic issues. DEQ was here and met with Kamely on the wastewater inspection for the 5-year permit. Dan advised that the town now is on the right track but might be receiving a fine for the non-compliance of the years 2021-2022 and some of 2023. DEQ was also here to inspect the transfer site and no reports on that at this time. Kamely contacted Wally on the platting of the town and he will call back with a date and time to meet. Kamely also went to League and learned that the town is with a company to do Ordinance codification and Kamely needs to start sending them the new approved ordinances. Some residents asked if the town could leave some of the speed bumps that the water project has placed in some areas to slow down traffic. Kamely also reported a positive bacteria test. Kamely re-sampled following the positive with 4 other samples and they all came back negative. Kamely also explained that these bac-t samples are very touchy.

b) Law Enforcement: no representation currently.

c) Library: received last meeting minutes and finances

d) Fire Department/Committee: none currently.

e) Parks: Kamely brought the light situation to the council's attention. The mayor thinks Calvin needs to contact the building inspector and see what needs to be done.

f) Safety: none

11) Announcements: Andy may be gone the next meeting.

12) Next Meeting Date: November 6th, 2024

13) Adjourn: Carol moved to adjourn the meeting at 7 p.m. Rex seconded no discussion. Motion carried with 4 ayes 0 nays

*Items up for action without discussion at a previous Council meeting may or may not be accepted for action by the Council at the Council's discretion.

/s/ Buck Kratzer, Mayor

Attest:/s/ Kamely Harkins, Clerk/ Treasurer


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