Your Community Builder


October 28, 2024

Another Indian summer week at Capitol and on Tie Creek. Still we are wishing for some rain. When we saw frost on the windows one morning, we were so excited about having that much moisture.

Erma Albert was a little sad on Wednesday when she went to the chiropractor in Buffalo. She knew it was his last day of appointments in Buffalo. He is busy in Sturgis, so he won’t be making the trip out to Buffalo. On Friday, Dick and Erma went to the monthly chicken dinner at the Senior Center. There were a couple of birthdays, and they got to have cake and ice cream for dessert. Erma stayed to play cards in the after noon. On Sunday, they went to church in the morning, and then had lunch at Saloon Number Three. There had been a women’s retreat in the Hills and a church meeting after church, so they enjoyed each other’s company at the Number Three. At church, it was nice to see that there were some visitors for Mass. Some travelers had stopped, in time for church, and also some hunters were there.

Lynn Gustafson went to the Hills, one day, and took the pick-up in to be worked on in Belle Fourche. Saturday was the day for the Fall Council meeting for the Fallon and Carter County Extension Clubs. This year it was at Ekalaka, so Lynn picked up Laurie Elmore and Dorothy Padden on her way to Ekalaka for the meeting. Bruce and Lynn went to church at Little Missouri Church on Sunday morning. Then in the afternoon, Lynn got the rest of her garden in. She brought in her carrots and potatoes for the winter. She had stored onions in the garage, but the mice found one batch. Karen Odell doesn’t have to worry about mice. She still has many cats to give away, but has no mice.

Doug Davis had the dating problem that happens sometimes. He had promised to help work cows at Ronda Cordell’s on Friday. It was below freezing and he had to dig outhis winter hats and gloves. As it happened, that was the day that Dan Davis needed some help shipping calves, so Morgan Buck went over to Dan’s to help out. Two dates on the same day can be a problem sometimes, but this time it worked out ok. On Saturday, Doug and Julia went to Broadus for the 80th birthday party for a cousin, Charlie Russell. As it turned out, they got to share in renting a house for the night, so it was a relief not to have to drive home so late at night. They got to see people who came from many states and cousins that they hadn’t seen in years. They had a great visit with cousins from Oregon.

Junior and Shirley Melum had a great time when they visited John and Kay Ovitz, on Wednesday. Ernie, Rachel and Tommy picked them up and took them for the visit.

Work on the Padden ranch on Wednesday, was preg-testing. Romela Heady and her son, Erik, had stayed with Bryce and Dawn after the wedding in the hills, last week. That allowed them to be ready to help work cows on Wednesday. They had a good crew and got the work done in good time. On Thursday, Dorothy had an appointment in Billings for some clinical tests. Bryce and Dawn went to the regional football game against Dupris. State Cross-Country competition was on Saturday, so Dawn rode with Brayden and Kamry to the Hills to see Kala and Kanyn compete in the state event. It was a good day, and they did well in their first attempt at the sport. Dorothy had ridden with Lynn Gustafson and Laurie Elmore, to Ekalaka, that day, for the Fallon-Carter Extension Clubs Fall Council Meeting. The Ekalaka Puptown Pioneers club hosted this year’s event.

This week, Karen Odell spent much time working outside. There was mowing to do even though it is extremely dry. The dry weeds were a danger. The mowing mostly stirred up dirt and required gloves and glasses. Karen piled firewood, and is still picking up things after the big wind-storm. She made a trip to Wolffy’s in Camp Crook, and visited with Tyler Wolff, Yvonne Yoder and Janet Odell. She visited with her cousin, Ralph Anderson, who was soon going to Florida for the winter. On Thursday, Karen got to see Kellan Odell’s football game at Yankton, on Youtube. It was a good game for Kellan, and Mitchell even scored a couple of times against the top ranked triple A team in the state. Saturday and Sunday were birthdays for Mollie, Jeff, and Cody in various parts of the country, so there was some texting to celebrate. Karen did some shopping in Buffalo on Saturday. She went to church at Marietta, Georgia on the internet, and enjoyed a beautiful, warm, sunny Sunday.

Sometimes you need to take the bull by the horns. It’s letting go that’s the problem.


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