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We have a very important election coming up

We have a very important election coming up shortly between Kamala Harris, Democrat and Donald Trump, Republican.

Let’s do some comparing. Harris voted to defund the police. Trump wants more police with higher wages.

Harris wants abortion until the day of delivery and decide to save it or kill the baby. Trumps is satisfied with the states setting the time of abortion.

Harris wants transgender surgery for illegal immigrants or prisoners to have the surgery with government paying for it. We the taxpayers paying

Trump says no transgender males will be in girls sports or bathrooms or lockers.

Harris wants to have the government buy all of the guns back. Does she know there are 100 million legal gun owner in the US. 4.1 million new gun owners have bought guns for the first time since Pres. Biden has been in office and 60% of them are women.

Trump believes in the 2nd amendment and wants people to have guns for safety.

Harris wants to follow Biden’s plan to reform the Supreme Court, add more justices and put term limits on them.

Trump thinks nine is a good number and should be there for life if they can.

When Trump was president he closed the boarder, cut taxes, brought factories back to our country, raised wages, helped African-American schools and much more. Then Covid-19 happened. We were not prepared so Trump got factories to make hospital gowns, surgical masks, and respirators to get to the hospitals. He got the medical labs to make vaccines for the virus, which they did in time for Biden to get vaccinated before he took office. Trump also made our country fuel independent for the first time ever, no buying from other countries.

Since Biden and Harris have been in office they have let many illegals into our country, millions of criminals that have committed horrible crimes. Raised prices on all food, gasoline, rents and every product we need. They killed all of our pipe lines and shut down all of our drilling and oil production. Trump could do the same thing again, which we need.

I pray that all Christians and gun owners are registered to vote and will go vote and vote for all Republicans on the ballot because we will need them to back Trump in the House and Senate.

Thank you for reading my letter.

Karen Gay Arpan

Alzada, MT


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