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After reading Jon Tester's ads each week

After reading Jon Tester’s FULL PAGE ads each week for the last month in our local Baker and Ekalaka papers (and I am sure every other Montana newspaper) I feel it important to point out where Jon Tester’s campaign money is coming from. Jon Tester is the highest recipient of money from lobbyists in the ENTIRE United States Congress and has been consistently in this position for years. This man who wants you to think he is just a good ole boy dirt farmer gets a lot of his money from interests not connected to Montana. The democratic party and liberal interests have been pouring money into his campaign to keep their majority in the Senate. Tester tries to distance himself from the Democratic party and the Biden/Harris administration, trying to convince us he votes for our ideals not the ultra-liberal agenda of Biden/Harris, but in truth votes with Biden/Harris, Liz Warren, etc. 91% of the time. Where do his loyalties lie? Even his own neighbors don’t believe him; he didn’t even carry his home county in 2018.

I recognize that Tester has done some good things including bills that support our veterans. What is interesting is how much of this concern for our veterans has come in the last year BEFORE the election despite the fact that Tester has been on the Senate Veteran’s Affairs Committee since 2007 and chairman of that committee since January of 2021.

Jon Tester has been a CO-SPONSOR of the Equity Act each year it has been introduced since 2016. It has not passed Congress despite his efforts. Among other things this bill contains, it allows transgender boys to compete on girl’s teams and girl’s locker rooms and bathrooms cannot be closed to transgender boys who identify as female. Would this happen? Right now in Colorado a lawsuit has been filed accusing the Jefferson County Public Schools of undermining parental rights. The School district told parents that girls and boys would room separately on school trips but failed to inform parents of their policy of assigning students to their accommodations based on “gender identity”. One of the families discovered that their 11 year old daughter had been assigned to share a BED with a boy “identifying” as a girl during a school trip despite being told initially that their daughter would be rooming with girls only. This could happen nation-wide if Tester’s Equity Act ever passes.

Tester has become more liberal and less that “good ole boy farmer” even his neighbors don’t buy. Neither should we.

Claudine O’Connor


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