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Snowy River CO2 Sequestration Project update

Northern Plains Resource Council and the Carter County group "Save the Range" were recently informed that BLM approval for the Snowy River Project has been paused. The Bureau of Land Management is delaying any decisions regarding this project until the Greater Sage-Grouse Resource Management Plan is issued. The State of Montana designated the area as core sage grouse habitat.

This spring the Bureau of Land Management conducted a comment period that occurred in connection with the environmental assessment for a "right of way" permit for the proposal. Northern Plains and its partners extended this comment period and gathered and submitted nearly 400 comments along with a comprehensive organizational comment related to that decision making juncture.

Over the summer the BLM reviewed those comments in order to make a decision regarding the right of way permit prior to their internal deadline of September 25th. Last week the BLM published new information regarding their decision and timeline for the Snowy River CCS proposal.

The BLM is delaying any decisions regarding this project until after the Record of Decision on the Greater Sage-Grouse Resource Management Plan Amendment is issued. "The entire Project area is designated as a PHMA for greater sage-grouse by the 2015 MCFO approved RMP. PHMA is defined as lands that have the highest value for sustaining sage-grouse populations. The State of Montana designated the area as Core Habitat which is defined as Montana's highest densities of sage-grouse (25 percent quartile), based on male counts and/or sage-grouse lek complexes and associated habitat important to sage-grouse distribution."

The Proposed RMPA/Final EIS for the Greater Sage-Grouse RMP amendment is anticipated to be available for public comment in the fall of 2024 with an Approved RMPA and Record of Decision in winter 2024. The Bureau of Land Management continues to review information, respond to comments, and analyze potential impacts on resources of the Snowy River Carbon Sequestration Project. The BLM will announce more information regarding the timeline and next steps when they are available.

On October 2nd Northern Plains is meeting with the EPA Region 8 Class VI permit regulators in order to discuss the Snowy River proposal.


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