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Conversations with God

Lost chocolate

Hello God, it's me, Mara:

You know, Lord, a friend shared something 'sweet', like chocolate. Emmy stopped over the other day, saying that she'd been craving something sweet; then remembered the delicious handmade chocolate bar several of her coworkers had given her for her birthday, last week. She'd only eaten part of it, went to retrieve if from the kitchen table where she'd last seen it. Oh! It wasn't there! She began to look everywhere for it – the refrigerator, countertops, dining room, bedroom, her office, desk drawers – it was NO WHERE TO BE FOUND!! Then she wondered if she'd already scarfed it down? Although she was irritated, she stopped searching and worrying and just asked Jesus to take care of it.

The next day while sitting in her home-office, she swiveled around in her chair, and her eyes landed on top of a small file cabinet. The chocolate! She said that she'd thought that she'd looked in THAT spot 'last night'! Had it BEEN there all the time?

From past experiences, we, who were listening to Emmy, know that things are often lost or misplaced, whether it's keys, a phone, eyeglasses, or even inconsequential things like a chocolate bar, they will turn up eventually.

We smiled, knowing from past experiences that if WE surrender a situation to Jesus, no matter how small or worrisome, we save ourselves a lot of aggravation, wishing we'd given it to HIM sooner, rather than later.

Wouldn't it be sweet if we could hand all our problems over to the Lord as fast as Emmy did the lost chocolate? She said she'd quickly taken a bite, satisfied to remember His goodness, smiled and reminded us of Job 22:21; "Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you." She told us to write down what we need and trust Him to take care of it!

Love Mara


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