Your Community Builder


August 7th, 2024

1) Call Regular Meeting to Order

a) Roll Call Council- Council President Melissa Lovec called meeting to order at 5 p.m. in the absence of Mayor Buck Kratzer, Present were Andrew Wright, Rex McCord and Carol Spencer.

b) Employees Present- Calvin Jensen

c) Appointed Officials Present- Kamely Harkins

2) Pledge of Allegiance

3) Public Comment/ Complaints- Public present was Stephen DeFord, John Shively, Morris Freeman & Wizard Nemerson. Mr. Nemerson had a verbal and written complaint about roosters and dogs barking around his neighborhood, that the property owner is not keeping up with lawn, and how it looks around his place. He feels it's a nuisance and an eye sore. Andy thanked Mr. Nemerson and encouraged him to not only come to the council but to please call the sheriff's office to help enforce the town ordinance on noise and nuisance.

4) Minutes from last meeting(s): read, correct (if needed) and approve July 3rd, 2024, minutes. Andy moved to approve July 3rd minutes. Carol seconded no discussion, 4 ayes no nays; motion carried.

5) Claims Approval- Andy moved to approve claims for $58,362.37 Rex seconded, no discussion, 4 ayes no nays; motion carried.

6) Reports of Officers:

a) Public Works Director- Not much has changed since the last meeting, been working on cleaning ditches, getting ready for fair, working on cleaning sewer main.

b) Mayor- Not present

c) Attorney- no reports for this meeting

d) Council- Andy informed the council that the county adopted the growth policy.

7) Reports of Standing and Special Committees:

a) Administrative (Clerk/Treasurer)- Pam Castleberry has been helping Kamely with the budget and it will soon be finalized for council approval. We are just waiting for Certified tax value from state and county. Jodi Rogers, who has been working on finance says she thinks she is getting close to finding the issues. Kamely has received numerous calls with complaints about roosters and dog noise, and on lots not being maintained or mowed and noxious weeds.

b) Law Enforcement- No reports

c) Library- received last month's minutes and finances

d) Fire Department/Committee- no reports currently.

e) Parks- Town has been busy cleaning the park up for fair, including trimming trees and lots of weeding. Community service guy cleaned up the tennis court and it looks very nice.

f) Pool- Last month they hosted a water safety class that was very well attended. We have received lots of compliments on how well the lifeguards did it and how nice the pool was this year. Last day for pool will be Saturday August 10th. Lifeguards will have a float at the parade.

g) Safety- Meeting scheduled for September 4th, 2024, at 4 p.m.

8) Presentation of Petitions and Communications: Morris Freeman, Jon Shively & Cassidy Jesperson- Andy moved to approve building permits for Freeman and Jon Shively, Rex seconded, no discussion, 4 ayes no nays, motion carried.

Melissa motioned to deny Cassidy Jesperson building permit and charge them the $50.00 after the fact fee; Carol second, and the council discussed that building permits need to be in the hands of clerk prior to council meeting and not have the building in place before applying for the permit. 4 ayes, no nays motion carried.

9) Unfinished Business * Action Items

10) New Business * Action items

a) Reading of Resolution Suspending Ordinance 4-2-2: Alcohol in Public: Open Containers- Kamely read the resolution suspending the ordinance out loud Andy moved to approve the resolution reading, Carol Seconded. No discussion, 4 ayes no nays; motion carried.

11) Announcements - Andy announced he may be gone in September.

12) Next Meeting Date: September 4th, 2024

13) Adjourn- Carol moved to adjourn meeting. Andy seconded no discussion 4 ayes no nays, motion carried.

*Items up for action without discussion at a previous Council meeting may or may not be accepted for action by the Council at the Council's discretion.

/s/ Buck Kratzer, Mayor

Attest:/s/ Kamely Harkins, Clerk/ Treasurer


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