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Extended care news

June, 2024

On the 3rd day of June one of our newest residents passed away, Catherine Smith. Catherine lived here only a few short weeks. She is the grandmother of Willow Meyer, one of our nurses. Catherine was a very sweet gracious lady. Extending our deepest sympathy to her family.

The 4th and 5th Dahl Memorial hosted a health fair. Overall, it was successful, all the lab work was able to be processed right here in our own lab. In years past everything had to be shipped out to a larger lab.

Tuesday afternoon Bingo was on the schedule and following Bingo the card game “5 Crown” was played. My understanding was Madlon and her daughter Jerri had a winning afternoon.

Wednesday afternoon Janet Enos had the honor of having both her daughters here to spend some quality time with her. Her oldest child, Muriel came from California and her youngest daughter, Robynn came from Rapid City, S.D.

Friday morning the wind hadn’t started to blow yet, and Virginia was able to encourage Laura Erickson and Lois Kapptie to come outside. The ladies checked out the flower beds while Virginia watered the plants.

June 11 the residents were surprised with a concert by Doug Freed. Doug has relatives in the area, the Lokens. Doug is a nephew of Betty and Erwin Loken. Doug played several numbers on his guitar, all very nice.

Later that afternoon, the ladies played several rounds of Po-Ke-No. “Wild 10” was the next game on the agenda.

Wednesday afternoon Phil Cook and Dane Castleberry came and presented an afternoon of live music. Both play instruments and sing. Thank you, gentlemen, for sharing your talents with us.

Friday the 14th has been deemed “Flag Day.” The dining room tables were decorated with little American flags in small white vases. Other than the table decorations the day went on as usual, group exercises in the morning and cards after dinner.

Sunday, June 16 was a day set aside to honor Fathers. To all our fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day!

Monday, another day of wind! I feel this month of June has been the windiest month ever!

Tuesday morning, a small group gather for a Bible study. After lunch the scheduled activity was Bingo. Milton usually does not participate in the games but this time he joined in and won the first Bingo as well as the Bingo Blackout! After the Bingo “Wild 10” was played. Marty’s sister Janice joined in too. It’s always nice to have new faces around the table.

Wednesday, the 19th of June we woke up to frost! The day before summer and this area suffered a hard frost!

The 19th has also been deemed Juneteenth! A day set aside to remember freedom from slavery in America. All federal and state offices were closed for the day.

The first day of Summer, June 20 was cool and windy, it sure didn’t feel like summer weather, but it looks like there might be rain in the forecast.

The week of the24th, new faces could be seen throughout the halls of Dahl Memorial. A team from Thrive came to make sure the staff would be properly trained with new software to be in place by the 1st of July. The group will be here for almost 2 weeks.

This wraps up the events for the month of June.

Until Next Time.....


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