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Conversations with God

City scenes

Hello God, it's me, Mara:

You know, Lord, we're into SUMMER- big time! Some out-of-state company popped in, wanting to view the City Scenes – said their grandparents used to live here – YEARS ago! So, off we went. They'd never been to this town so were surprised to know there was an Airport, even a Train Station, let alone Taxicabs, and more schools than their grandma had mentioned; many years back. More chuckles when they saw several benches along the streets for folks to sit on. They had a seat, watched some traffic; were amazed to know drivers buzzing down a Street, gave right-away to vehicles driving the Avenues – when there were no 'stop lights' in that part of town – more chuckles. Right about then the Fire Engines zoomed by; "Hey! That sounds just about like our town!" they said, smiling at each other.

They were delighted to see how nice the Courthouse looked; then mentioned that Grandpa had told them about the Post Office, which of course had MOVED! They smiled, mentioned how nice yards looked, lawns were cut down and all was nice and green and how many homes they'd seen as they'd walked or driven by, had the most beautiful flowers they'd ever seen – not in their town, (they just said 'We're from out of state').

After chatting a bit, they decided to try the Crosswalk, again were delighted to know that vehicles stopped, allowing THEM to cross to the other side. After crossing over, there was a Café which they decided to try out. Yum Yum! They loved their whole meal, especially enjoying the dessert, and mentioned how nice and well-mannered the server was. Two worked there – 'A handsome lad, and a lovely young gal...' they said, and smiled.

They'd enjoyed the racket, pets, stores, crowds; they praised God for His creation of blue sky, moving clouds, trees, flowers, and people, young and old.... Then, quietly said 'Good-bye' and left.

Love Mara


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