Your Community Builder


July 8, 2024

Last week, Karen Odell got word that a storm might be on the way with large hail. She and Hywel looked out to the north, and watched the thermometer beside the window drop twenty degrees in three minutes. Then, when she heard a roar of wind, she looked out to see huge tree limbs circling high in the air, but before she and Hywel got through the kitchen, the roar stopped. When she looked out north again, a pile of limbs had landed, and the power line to the well house was under all those limbs. She finally decided to call Ernie Melum for some help, and left a message. Ernie and Rachel had spent the day moving cows, and getting sunburned, but they still came with a chain saw to remove the limbs and get the wire back in place after dark.

The next day, Karen could see the twisted off trunks high in the trees, and guessed the whirling wind had come over the hill and hopped over the house, twisting off the tops of the highest trees as it went. Karen had just received delivery of a small building from Big Sky Mini Barns, and was glad that the buildings were all ok, except for a big branch on the roof of the house. Mollie and Kyia Smith came on Sunday, to visit Grandma for a few days.

Chancey Odell and Megan invited Karen, Mollie and Kyia over for supper that evening. Chancey is a great cook, and barbecued steaks on the grill. Mollie and Kyia, helped Karen get things put into her new building. All three made a trip to Buffalo. Mollie and Kyia did lots of work for Karen, and had lots of fun with Hywel and the cats. Mollie did most of the cooking, and Karen had a wonderful easy week. On the Fourth of July, they had their usual parade down the road with singing. This year, they put flags on the side-by side and only Mollie and Hywel did the marching, while Karen and Kyia got to ride in the parade. Mollie and Kyia stopped over in Mitchell on their way home, to visit with Cody’s family. Karen played piano for church on Sunday. Mary Tarter gave the sermon. Lynnette Wolff presented the children’s sermon, the Wolff boys were bell ringers, the Cordell girls were ushers. There was a pot luck dinner after the church service.

Dick and Erma Albert went to the Hills, on Monday, to an appointment with the eye doctor. On Wednesday, Erma had her physical therapy and chiropractor appointments. They both went to the Senior Center for Friday dinner. Jack Ovitz brought his grill, and cooked hambergers for those that came. Erma stayed to play cards, and was happy to win the last game. On Sunday, they went to church, and then had lunch at Saloon Number Three with Father Brian.

Lynn Gustafson went shopping in the Hills, on Monday. Bruce and Lynn went to Belle Fourche on the Fourth of July, for the parade. Then, they had lunch with Gordon ‘Pete’ Anderson, his sister Deb, and mother, Dixie Garr. On Sunday, Pete walked to church in Camp Crook. Bruce and Lynn went to church at the Little Missouri Church, where many were gathered for the baptism of Rex Arden Buck.

Jake Davis’s family and Travis Davis’s family gathered at the Doug and Julia Davis ranch, for a couple of days over the Fourth of July week. On Tuesday, Travis, Morgan Buck and Doug moved cows. All, but Julia, spent some time at Reptile Gardens. Julia found other things to do while they were viewing snakes and things. Jake’s family, Travis’s family and cousin, Jenifer Lyons, enjoyed being tourists for a day. Doug and Julia stayed in Rapid City with Travis and Amanda, who had to fly out extremely early in the morning. Then they brought both vehicles home. On Saturday, Doug went to Belle Fourche for the Oscar Gonzales funeral. Oscar had been Doug’s classmate. On Sunday, Doug and Julia attended church and the baptism of Rex Buck, son of Mackenzie Buck and Aislinn. Then, they went to a brunch in Camp Crook at Darren and Lori Buck’s.

Junior and Shirley Melum had a quiet week. Ernie, Rachel and Tommy visited them.

Dorothy Padden spent most of the week at the pond at the Stuart place. There were seven campers, and people from Rapid City, Billings, and Arizona. The week was very windy, and sometimes cold. Bryce and Dawn had things ready, and took their camper down ahead of time. Campers began coming on Saturday, and stayed until this Saturday. The wind was so cold that no one wanted to swim for three or four days, but they did do some fishing, and enjoyed visiting.

The wind went down on the fourth, so they got to shoot some fireworks over the water. There is always lots and lots of food, and a good time. On Saturday, Dorothy went in to Camp Crook, for the memorial service for Beverly Cordell Anderson. On Sunday, Dorothy got seventeen-hundredths of an inch of rain.

Last Tuesday, Diane Wear dropped her pickup off at Wolffy’s in Camp Crook, and Ronda Cordell picked her up, to go through Buffalo to Spearfish. They came back the same way. Diane got her pickup, stopped briefly at the Ronda’s, and then, headed back to Ekalaka. In spite of the severe weather reports on Thursday, Ronda went with Clint Zolnoski’s family to the Little Missouri Church to watch Darby and Abby’s Vacation Bible School program, and join in the potluck supper. Denise and the girls had gone every day, since Monday, to attend Bible School. There were twenty children, and many helpers, who presented a cute program. As Ronda came home, she stopped to take pictures of the beautiful sunset, and the many various cloud formations. All that came of the forecasted storm was some quick passing winds, that demolished the Zolnoski girls’ swing set and playhouse.

On Sunday, Luke Basler’s family came from Missouri to spend a week. They all went to the Lutheran All-Congregation Sunday service and pot luck at the Camp Crook Community Center. The Basler clan from Altenburg, Missouri, Luke and Jamie with three kids and three dogs, spent this week at Ronda’s. Their activities were mowing lawns, cutting tree branches, shooting prairie dogs, and spending time with the Montana Zolnoski kids. There were sleep-overs, lots of play and lots of eating. The Wyoming Zolnoski family came on Wednesday, and stayed at Clint’s. Then Cristen and Jayda Westling came on Friday, to stay at Ronda’s. They helped move cows.

On Saturday, they all went to the memorial service in Camp Crook for Ronda’s sister, Beverly Anderson. The weather was cool, and the visitors were glad there were no mosquitoes. Luke Basler’s family planned to head east early on Saturday morning, but he had a flat tire, and needed to get a new one. Luckily, Fruit’s in Ekalaka had the right size. As it turned out, they stayed for the memorial service, and luckily got to see more family and friends. Then they left for Sioux Falls from Camp Crook. Ronda’s niece, Sheila and Jay Johnston spent a couple of nights in the mobile home at Ronda’s, and also stopped by after the funeral. Cristen Jayda and Ronda had breakfast at Clint and Denise’s on Sunday. Chad, Debby and Roudy stopped on their way home, too. When the Johnstons left, too, that is when the house suddenly became very silent.

Happy Birthday, America.


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