Your Community Builder


Town Office, 103 N Main Street

June 12th, 2024

1) Call Regular Meeting to Order

a) Roll Call Council - Mayor Buck called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. Melissa, Andy and Rex were present.

b) Employees Present - Calvin & Elston

c) Appointed Officials Present - Kamely

d) Public Present - Clayton Stieg, Mike Ashbrook, Christian Ashbrook, Pat Strickland, Carol Spencer

2) Pledge of Allegiance

3) Public Comment/Complaints - No Public Comment

4) Minutes from last meeting(s): read, correct (if needed), and approve. May 1st minutes. Andy moved to approve minutes from May 1st meeting. Melissa seconded, no discussion, 3 ayes no nays.

5) Claims Approval - Andy moved to approve claims for $28,693.7. Melissa seconded, no discussion, 3 ayes no nays.

6) Reports of Officers:

a) Public Works Director - Has been busy mowing, blading turning water on and off. Calvin mentioned putting lights up at the Town Park, will investigate to see if we need an electrician or if he can do it. Calvin and Kamely filled big pothole on entry of Main St. Will check to see who needs to address the pothole on the bridge county or state. Calvin visited with Carl Knapp about the sideway culvert by Alex Lovec and hopes to remedy the problem soon.

b) Mayor - Has had lots of complaints of noise from roosters and dogs. Mayor talked to resident about the trench he dug on street by his house. The trench has since been filled in by the individual that dug the trench.

c) Attorney - Worked on Resolution for transferring land to EVFD and wrote a letter to resident about digging a trench on street without permission from Council.

d) Council - no complaints or report

7) Reports of Standing and Special Committees:

a) Administrative (Clerk/Treasurer) - Kamely has sent out letters to residents on cleaning up lots in town, Kamely has received phone calls on junk vehicles and places that need mowed by residents. It is budget time so she will be busy preparing the budget for the council to review.

b) Law Enforcement - none

c)Streets - Calvin has been blading, working on potholes. Main St. has been getting swept every second Monday of the month with help from Tom Carroll with water truck. THANK YOU, TOM!

d) Library - May's finances and minutes have been received.

e) Fire Department/Committee - None for this time.

f) Parks - Kamely asked if the town could place a porta potty at town park for the summer. Will check and see how often they will come and clean them.

g) Pool - Opened on May 27th, Yay. Emswiler has seen a lot of kids already with a few days having around forty kids. Had a report that a lifeguard is letting kids run on top of pool covers, Kamely will visit with lifeguards on situation.

h)Water/sewer - Revamped well #3 with new meter. Chad Hanson called and asked if Elston would be the Inspector during water project, Mayor thought that would be great and save town some money on the long run. Elston accepted and will be getting paid out of the ARPA fund instead of the regular funds he gets paid. Elston did ask the council how many compression tests the contractors needed to perform and Council thought one or two.

i) Landfill - Calvin mentioned the need for the backhoe to be returned to the town shop every day in case of an emergency it is critical to have to drive out to dump and get it.

j) Safety - no meeting was held.

8) Presentation of Petitions and Communications: John Shively - Council needs to have more information about where it is located due to the location of cabin being too close to flood plain.

9) Unfinished Business * Action Items

a) *EVFD Reading of Resolution - Mayor Kratzer read the resolution to transfer property to EVFD. Comments: Fire chief Mike thanked the Council for helping them get where they need to be. Rex motioned to approve the Resolution read aloud, Melissa seconded, no discussion 3 ayes no nays.

b) Regrouping of work session/committees - Andy moved to table regrouping of work session/committees, Melissa seconded, no discussion 3 ayes no nays.

10) New Business * Action items

a) * Purchase of a Street Bucket sweep - Andy moved to approve purchase of street sweeper. Rex seconded, no discussion. Andy and Rex voted ayes, Melissa Nay.

b) * Replacement of Bridge by Phil Cook- Andy moved to table replacement of bridge on irrigation ditch by Phil Cook until town knows for sure who is responsible for the replacement of bridge, Melissa seconded, no discussion 3 ayes no nays

c) * Kamely Harkins 1 year Performance Evaluation with possible pay increase - Mayor reviewed Kamely's one year performance and recommended the council to give her a raise of $ 0.50 for each new certification. Kamely got the pool operator certificate in February and Water distribution certificate in March for a total of $1.00 plus a 6% raise getting her at $24.00 an hr. Andy motioned to accept the mayor's recommendation, Melissa seconded no discussion 4 ayes no nays. Carol voted at this since the Council moved the item to last item on agenda.

d) * Montana League of Cities and Towns $3,000.00 contract to work on Finance - Andy motioned to approve MLCT to help Kamely get the books and to zero the finances, Melissa seconded, no discussion, 3 ayes no nays

e) * Fire Department fire lane concern - Mike brought to council attention that MCA 61-8-354 Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited in front of a fire lane, discussion of this means even the EVFD responders couldn't park there either. No action was taken since the property owners have said they will comply when needed.

f) Time clock, free for small business with 10 or less employees. Connecteam - No action was taken Kamely just brought to council in case the town wanted to use this, council said Kamely could try it on a trial basis.

g) * Library Board Appointment - Council received one letter from Becky Jesperson. Mayor Buck recommended appointing Becky Jesperson for library board for the second and last term, as library board members can only serve 10 years on the board. Andy motioned to accept the recommendation. Melissa seconded no discussion, 3 Ayes no Nays.

h) * Elston Loken tree removal closure of street - Andy motioned to approve Elston to close street when removing his tree for the minimum amount of time he can get it done. Rex seconded, no discussion, 3 ayes no nays.

i) * Council appointment - Council received 2 letters of interest, Clayton Stieg and Carol Spencer. Mayor Buck recommended appointing Carol Peabody Spencer to the 2-year term of Council member. Melissa motioned to approve recommendation of Carol Spencer to join the council, Andy seconded, no discussion, 3 ayes no nays.

11) Announcements - no announcements

12) Next Meeting Date: July 3rd, 2024

13) Adjourn - Melissa motioned to adjourn the meeting, Andy seconded, no discussion, 4 ayes no nays. Meeting adjourned at 7 p.m..

/s/ Buck Kratzer, Mayor

Attest:/s/ Kamely Harkins, Clerk/ Treasurer


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