Your Community Builder


Town Office, 103 N Main Street

May 1st, 2024

1) Call Regular Meeting to Order

a) Roll Call Council - Mayor Buck Kratzer called meeting to order. Melissa Lovec, Andrew Wright were present Richard Brown resigned 5 minutes prior to the meeting and Council member Rex McCord was absent.

b) Employees Present - Elston Loken and Calvin Jensen

c) Appointed Officials Present - Kamely Harkins

2) Pledge of Allegiance

3) Public Comment/Complaints - No public comment. Town received a complaint about a storage container being placed close to the property line and traffic to get to storage container via park property. Toni Kratzer and Chad Henson were present.

4) Approve Agenda - Andy moved to approve agenda items, Melissa seconded. No discussion, 2 ayes no nays.

5) Minutes from last meeting(s): read, correct (if needed) and approve April 3rd minutes - Andy moved to approve April 3rd minutes, Melissa seconded, 2 ayes no nays.

6) Claims Approval - Melissa moved to approve claims for the total of $30,253.35, Andy seconded, 2 ayes no nays.

7) Reports of Officers:

a) Public Works Director - Calvin has been inspecting meters that have not been working properly and at 400 E. Cleveland he found a main water bypassing the meter. This was fixed without charging the customer with utility theft. The public works director has flushed hydrants, got the meter for well #3 and will work on getting it going soon.

b) Mayor - Buck visited with Courtney Higgins on storage container. Higgins let mayor know the container is not going to stay there its only there until he can get the property cleaned.

c) Attorney - Called and visited with Kamely about the resolution of intent and gave a brief explanation on court case that he has been working on for the town.

d) Council - Asked Clerk to send letters to customer for junk on property to clean up town.

8) Reports of Standing and Special Committees:

a) Administrative (Clerk/Treasurer) - Town was awarded the SLIPA grant for $35,925, with a 25% match for the sludge removal of the wastewater lagoons. Kamely will be headed to the clerk's institute at the beginning of May. Montana League of Clerks is willing to take on the fixing of finance. Kamely will take stuff so they can see what is needed and get a quote of what it would cost. Jodi, with the league, helped Kamely with a report for the ARPA relief fund.

b) Law Enforcement - no representation

c) Streets - Watered Mormon Ave. to settle dust and to help with packing the road. Main Street sweeping will be on the 13th of May.

d) Library - Finance and last month's minutes were received.

e) Fire Department/Committee - no meeting.

f) Parks - Starting to mow.

g) Pool - Two lifeguards will be going to Baker for red cross training May 10th through the 12th. Calvin has been getting the pool ready and we're hopeful to open pool the last week of May.

h) Water/sewer - Lagoon keeps plugging up. Elston wonders if it's just too full of sludge.

i) Landfill - Calvin subbed at the landfill on a Tuesday and he asked Michael to get him keys to open the buildings there since office didn't have any extra keys.

j) Safety - no meeting was had.

9) Presentation of Petitions and Communications: Brian Beach House, Elston Loken Hoop Barn, Michael Archer well, Alyce Kuehn garage, Jennifer Williams fence and shrubs - Andy moved to approve Beach House, Loken Hoop barn, Archer irrigation shallow well, Kuehn garage and Williams fence and shrubs. Melissa seconded, no discussion, 2 ayes no nays.

10) Old Business *Action Items

a) *Community Plan - no information currently

b) *Alex Lovec Central Ave Culvert - Calvin and Buck have a plan

c) *EVFD Building/Property Lease Intent of transferring the property. Melissa moved to approve Resolution of Intent to transfer property to EVFD, Andy seconded. No discussion, 2 ayes no nays

d) *Pave short Street - town will not be taking any action on this for now.

e) *Water Project Bid - Andy moved to award water project to Mike Coleman Construction FOR $1,306,698.07. Melissa seconded the motion. The board discussed some paving on the bid, and after reviewing the map decided that the water project was not going to affect the pavement of Chicago Ave. This should save the town some money. Also, Chad went over all the numbers on the project and stated we will not have enough funds to finish it all. Town will investigate some other options to see if we can finish it. No other discussion, 2 ayes no nays.

11) New Business * Action items

a) *Regrouping of town committees - no action

b) *Town Clean Up Day June 1st - Melissa moved to set town clean up day for the 1st of June, the same day as the community garage sale. Dump fees will be reduced. Andy seconded, no discussion, 2 ayes no nays.

c) *Closure of Main Street - August Fair, September Grocery store Appreciation Day, Puptown Pioneers - Andy moved to close Main Street on the needed days, Melissa seconded, no discussion, 2 ayes no nays.

d) Hire Lifeguard - Andy moved to hire Nasya O'Connor at $14.50 for lifeguard, Melissa seconded, no discussion, 2 ayes no nays.

12) Announcements - none

13) Next Meeting Date: June 5th, 2024

14) Adjourn - Andy moved to adjourn meeting at 7:30 p.m., Melissa seconded, no discussion, 2 ayes no nays.

*Items up for action without discussion at a previous Council meeting may or may not be accepted for action by the Council at the Council's discretion.

/s/ Buck Kratzer, Mayor

Attest:/s/ Kamely Harkins, Clerk/ Treasurer


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