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MSGA opposes BLM's carbon sequestration project in Carter County

submitted by Montana Stockgrowers Association

The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) recently submitted comments in opposition to the BLM Snowy River CO2 Sequestration Project Environmental Assessment (EA). The BLM is planning to partner with Denbury Carbon Solutions to build a carbon storage facility in Carter County, Mont. The project would encompass 100,200 acres of land south of Ekalaka where 15 deep wells would be drilled and injected with CO2, storing carbon from the Denbury Cedar Creek Anticline pipeline deep underground.

The proposed acreage consists almost entirely of federal grazing leases, held by permittees from the surrounding areas. MSGA raised concerns that the various pipelines, roads, injection wells, and office buildings proposed will disrupt grazing, wildlife habitat, and could harm water quality. MSGA expressed concerns that carrying capacity of the land will be compromised, by the loss of acres to project infrastructure as well as the exponential increase of human disturbance on the landscape. They also voiced concerns surrounding the agency's lack of analysis on livestock grazing in the area.

Even more concerning, MSGA emphasized the loss of 89,400 functional acres of core sage grouse habitat and 17 confirmed active leks due to project development. The comments state, "The project area is core sage grouse habitat – the current minimal disruption by human and vehicle traffic being a driving factor for their success in the area. With the implementation of a project of this nature, the abundance of natural habitat for sage grouse, and other wildlife, will no longer be intact."

MSGA closed their comments by critiquing the agency's scoping and decision making processes throughout the course of this project and calling for a halt in project plans, citing the productivity of the land for economic and environmental purposes. MSGA will continue to remain engaged on this issue and work with producers in the area to oppose further development on all fronts.

About MSGA

The Montana Stockgrowers Association is a grassroots membership organization and is the trusted voice of cattle ranchers. With over 135 years of history, MSGA advocates and ensures cattle ranching remains relevant, safe and a sustainable way of life for generations to come.


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