Your Community Builder


Town Office, 103 N Main Street

March 6th, 2024


1) Call Public Hearing Meeting to Order

a) Roll Call Council Mayor Buck Kratzer called meeting to order at 5 p.m. Present: Melissa Lovec, Rex McCord, Andy Wright, Richard Brown .

b) Employees Present: Robin and Michael

c) Appointed Officials Present: Kamely Harkins

d) Public present: Toni Kratzer, Crystal Bennet, Chad Hansen

2) Pledge of Allegiance

3) Public Comment. No public comment on HB355 grant

4) New business

a) HB 355 State Local Infrastructure Project Wastewater Sludge Removal, Andy moved to use HB355 grant for the sludge removal project and 25% match to be used out of entitlement money. Melissa second, no discussion 4 ayes no nays.

b) Reading of Resolution for Local Government Review and Study Commission Mayor read Resolution out loud

5) Public Hearing meeting adjourned 5:15 p.m.

1) Call Regular Meeting to Order. Mayor called regular meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.

2) Public Comment. No public comment on agenda items

3) Minutes from last meeting(s): read, correct (if needed) and approve. February Special meeting minutes. Melissa moved to approve minutes from February 22nd special meeting, Andy seconded no discussion 4 ayes no nays

4) Claims Approval. Andy moved to approve claims for the amount of $18789.86 check # 16395-16410 check -99765 ach, Rex seconded no discussion 4 ayes no nays

5) Reports of Officers:

a) Public Works Director Kamely brought up the pump for sludge removal, discussion was had that with the HB 355 we would include the pump purchase on the grant

b) Mayor visited with Carl Knapp the County Road supervisor about Sandy St. getting graveled with town gravel, county would haul and dress the street, Discussion was had of needing an MOU with county and needing to raise the street

c) Attorney Jeff will work on a resolution for EVFD and town for transfer of property to EVFD

d) Council: Council member has witnessed Pitbull that is to be on a special confinement outside of its special kennel

6) Reports of Standing and Special Committees:

a) Administrative (Clerk/Treasurer) Will be taking side by side to get a quote to fix or make decisions of what to do with it. Kamely will be attending class in Laurel and Great Falls in the middle of March.

b) Law Enforcement. No reports.

c) Streets. Robin will blade roads on weekend, also some places need gravel.

d) Library. Received last month’s minutes and finances.

e) Fire Department/Committee. no representative besides a council member

f) Parks. no reports.

g) Pool. The pool committee is regrouping and hopes to come up with some resolution for the new pool.

h) Water/sewer. Kamely and Elston worked a whole Saturday on sewer and had some issues with jet truck.

i) Landfill. Michael and Robin brought to council a deal of buying a truck so town can transfer its own containers, Council would like to see some numbers of cost of truck, fuel, and some research to be able to make a decision.

j) Safety. will have a meeting on April 3rd

7) Presentation of Petitions and Communications: W, S, G disconnect. Per Ordinance “A Continuous parcel of property shall not include properties divided by a road, street, alley, highway, or is attached only by a corner (e.g., diagonally). Property divided by a ditch, creek, or fence shall be considered continuous.” Water and sewer is not to be disconnect as all lots that have water and sewer shall continue to have and pay Monthly Inactive or Vacant fee.

8) Unfinished Business

a) Community Plan. No action

b) Pool Liner. no action get a quote

c) Alex Lovec Central Ave Culvert. no action

d) EVFD Building/Property Lease. Rex moved to do a resolution of intent to transfer town property to EVFD. Melissa seconded no discussion 4 ayes no nays

e) Tennis Court. no action, discussion was had of implementing lights.

f) Purchase Manhole frame from DeFord $641.10 or best offer, Andy moved to buy the manhole from Steve DeFord since it’s the same frame as town uses and same price town has purchased for, Rich second no discussion 4 ayes no nays

g) Water Project. Chrystal Bennet and Chad Hanson with Great West engineering were here to go over the project and explain some of the process and apologize for the failure in communication and absence. Great West was pulled in on an emergency project and left Ekalaka in the dark, also with the previous office clerks they had some miscommunication and things got off on the wrong feet, now we have been in good standing communication DEQ has approved the project and Great West will send out bid information. Board discussion on bid was they are worried all contractors could be busy already, Chad Hanson explained that he doesn’t feel that it will be hard to get bids. Also, discussion about the price of material is higher than previous years, Great West also explained that it could be the case, and that there are SRF loans out that have forgiveness for municipalities. Chad also explained that Town ARPA Fund is not in jeopardy. The money has to be allocated by October meaning it has to be contracted by October of 2024. No Action was needed.

9) New Business

a) Local Gov Review and Study Commission Resolution, Andy moved to Approve Resolution of Local Gov and Study Commission to 3 commission and budget not to exceed $10,000. Melissa seconded discussion was had on what to educate people on the process of the study, The Study is to see if the government body needs to change or stay the same and its not about looking at the finance of town, 4 ayes no nays.

b) Tilt Plate for skid steer est. $2000.00. Rex moved to approve purchase of tilt plate for skid steer Rich seconded, no discussion 4 ayes no nays

c) Hire Public Works Director and set wages Andy moved to hire Calvin Jensen as public works director at $26.00 an hour, 1 year probation Rich second no discussion 4 ayes no nays

d) Disconnect of service line no discussion as per Resolution in 2015 only a continuous property can be disconnected and no charge for water and sewer for inactive or vacant property.

10) Announcements. April 3rd Safety meeting at 4:30 p.m.

11) Next Meeting Date: April 3rd, 2024

12) Adjourn. Andy moved to adjourn meeting Rich second no discussion 4 ayes no nays meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

/s/ Buck Kratzer, Mayor

Attest:/s/ Kamely Harkins, Clerk/ Treasurer


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