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Ag leadership class presents to elementary students

submitted by Travis Schallenberger

Carter County FFA

This past week, the CCHS Agriculture Leadership class presented to a few of the elementary classes. Each member of the class had to create a presentation for one of the three grades they chose to work with. The class presented to them about different types of food and discussed with them where these foods come from on farms and ranches.

This was a way for ag leadership kids to practice their public speaking skills, along with introducing first, second, and third graders to where their meals come from in agriculture. This was a fun time that the class was able to get the younger generation excited about agriculture.

With the first graders the class made ice cream in a coffee can and taught them where the things that make ice cream come from. The second graders got taught about pizzas and where all of the ingredients that make up a pizza come from. Finally, the third graders did a bean bag toss with holes labeled with different ingredients of a taco. If they tossed the bag through a hole they got that ingredient. Then, the ag leadership class taught them where on a farm those ingredients come from.


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