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Some of the better horse breeders in the area during my time

John Scott came from Texas in ‘48 or ‘49 with some well bred ranch horses. Good feet, flat bone, cinched up big, could travel over the rough country and really could get down and turn a cow. Desentio, Eddy 40, Sugar Bars bred. Top horses if you could ride “em!”

Tookes had the best bucking horses in the country. You could work ‘em maybe.

Albert Phelps brought in a good thoroughbred stud.

Poddy Askin brought in a stud named Steve Reed, that crossed good on any mare.

Bickles had a few remounts from Fort Keogh that were good circle horses.

MacKay Ranch raised Arabians.

Gilmon Ranch had the Morgans.

Asbury Ranch had a string of nice mares and a stud named Topaz.

The Ringling outfit came in 1966, good horses.

These horses all had their place during their own time.

When I was young there were horses everywhere. The War ended in ‘45 and the horses thinned out.

A lot of ranches had a stud like we did but the tractors, 4-wheelers etc. took out both saddle and work horses. Not good!

Just give me three well mounted cowboys and I can show you how to do anything with cattle. I hate grease zerks or anything they’re screwed into.


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