Your Community Builder


December 6, 2023

A. Call Meeting to Order

a. Roll Call Council Libby, Melissa, Andrew & Rex

b. Employees Present None

c. Appointed Officials Present Kamely & Buck

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Public Present / Comment

Toni Kratzer, Richard Brown & Carole Carey

Carole Carey comment on the shape of Mormon Street and complimented Kamely for fixing the big pothole. Carey would like to see something get done with Mormon Ave. and maybe form a committee and go see the County commissioner since that has become the truck route, Ambulance must ride on the rough road and people are driving on opposite sides of the road to avoid holes. No other public comment.

D. Minutes from last meeting(s): Melissa moved to approve November 6th minutes; Libby seconded no discussion 4 ayes no nay.

E. Claim Approval: Libby moved to approve claims for $32,198.47, Melissa seconded, - discussion: Black Mountain Software yearly payments 4 ayes no nay

F. Reports of Officers:

a. Public Works Director: Kamely contacted the MMIA liability Insurance and found out the town is covered to have an Ice-skating rink as long as we have something that would hold water, it’s a non-expensive winter outdoor fun for kids and families, Shut-off water letters have been sent and by December 15th if not paid waters will be shut off, Eli Ravage last day at the dump was November 28th

b. Mayor Buck has talked to Carl to do Mormon Ave, Central and Beaver Flats, with his own blade. Buck sat on a zoom meeting for State-Local Infrastructure Partnership Act, need to pick a project to apply for funds. Dogs and Roosters complaints

c. Attorney

d. Council

G. Reports of Standing and Special Committees:

a. Administrative (Clerk/Treasurer) Kamely had Kirsten Sweet for 3 days to help with bank reconciliation all is reconciled not balanced, Local government services will monitor our reconciliation for the next few months and if its consistent will make a Journal Voucher to fix computer accounting and be balanced from now on, The town will have to find an Audit company since Strom and Associated don’t have enough employees to continue our audits, We have received $400 for the 2 desks and $10 dollars for a computer monitor.

b. Law Enforcement None present.

c. Streets Carl will hit the high traffic roads with his personal blade.

d. Library minutes presented

e. Fire Department/Committee waiting on a proposal from EVFD

f. Parks Christmas in the park

g. Pool renewed license

h. Water/sewer things are working ok

i. Landfill discussion about G & G not getting our dumpsters in a timely manner’s, who and how could the town haul their own.

j. Safety N/A

H. Presentation of Petitions and Communications: none

I. Unfinished Business

a. Community Plan N/A

b. Pool Liner N/A

c. Alex Lovec Central Ave Culvert N/A table

d. EVFD Building/Property Lease waiting for proposal from EVFD.

J. New Business

a. Set hearing schedule for W, S, G increase. Libby Move to Approve schedule Andy second, 4 ayes no nay.

b. Resolution #4, #5 & #6 Andy Motion to approve resolution Libby second 4 ayes no nay.

c. Use of Town Park on November 16th for Christmas event Andy moves to approve the use of town park Melissa second no discussion 4 ayes no nay

d. Approve Journal Vouchers to adjust accounts receivable for W, S, G

And Bank Rec Balances Libby moved to approve JV Andy second no discussion 4 ayes no nay

e. Property Line Survey / Infrastructure grant Libby moves to make Mormon a priority for the infrastructure grant with water, sewer and road resurfaced Melissa second 4 ayes no nay.

f. Tennis Court (Chris & Grace Jardee proposal) idea revamp, positive feedback

g. Pressure washer quote to fix Andy move to fix the power washer Rex second no discussion 4 ayes no nay

h. Combine checking account and closing checking account Libby moves close accounts 2501 and 2505 and keep 2502 to simplify financial process Andy seconded 3 ayes and 1 nay

i. Water meter replacement and fixing Andy motion to hire Chris Flot to fix and or replace meters up to $1200 dollars Rex second, 4 ayes no nay

j. Oath of Office to new and renew Office incomers Kamely Harkins took Oath of Buck Kratzer for the remainder of 2 year term, Andrew Wright for a 4 year term, Rex McCord for 2 year term and new incomer Richard Brown for a 2 year term. Oath is to be recorded with Carter County Clerk and Recorder office before January.

K. Announcements – New council members to start in January 3rd meeting

L. Next Meeting Date: January 3, 2024 – 5pm @ Town Office

M. Adjourn Libby motioned to adjourn Andrew seconded 4 ayes no nay

Buck Kratzer, Mayor

Attest: Kamely Harkins, Clerk/ Treasurer


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