Your Community Builder


Town Office, 103 N Main Street

October 4th, 5 p.m.

a) Call Meeting to Order

a. Roll Call Council: Libby Barth, Melissa Lovec, Rex McCord

Absent: Mayor Buck Kratzer and Council Member Andy Wright

b. Employees Present: none

c. Appointed Officials Present: Kamely Harkins

b) Pledge of Allegiance

c) Public Comment: None

d) Minutes from last meeting(s): read, correct September 6th Minutes. Melissa moved to approve minutes from September 6th, Rex seconded, no comments, all ayes motion carried.

e) Claims Approval Melissa moved to approve claims for the total of $34,530.55 Libby seconded, no comments, all ayes motion carried.

f) Reports of Officers:

a. Public Works Director Water sewer going ok, Elias is going from temporary park to temporary Landfill

b. Mayor Not present

c. Attorney was on phone to give advice on fire department lease

d. Council, Rex wanted to know the gravel situation

g) Reports of Standing and Special Committees:

a. Administrative (Clerk/Treasurer) Audit results are back findings will be posted in the Eagle and its available to public in office, need corrective action within 30 days and Kamely will be working with Shawna Hawks from Local Government Services Bureau.

i. Paying credit card off to not pay the interest the town has been paying, card is finally in Kamely’s name

b. Law Enforcement No reports.

c. Streets - Robin continues to do a great job

d. Library Minutes from last minutes were received.

e. Fire Department/Committee

f. Parks trees needs trimmed

g. Pool Electricity has been shut off for the season

h. Water/sewer things are working how they should be for now.

i. Landfill Elias is on duty on Tuesday.

j. Safety sidewalk outside needs attention

k. Presentation of Petitions and Communications:

Steven Townsend Zoning Permit - Melissa motion to approve Townsend zoning permit. Libby second, all ayes motion carried.

Ekalaka Public Schools Zoning Permit - Brittani was representing the school to get information and give information about the housing, will be multifamily living, some of the concern is that school is tax exempt and will be charging rent to the school employee that lives at the housing. Mark Wright was also present representing EVFD and showed concern that the fire department does not have equipment to rescue a multi-family living house since they already have to take care of trails end and hotel, motel and nursing home. Melissa motion to table zoning permit until after the election that will be held November 7th, 2023. Libby second, all ayes motion carried.

h) Unfinished Business

a. Community Plan no action.

b. Pool Liner - Kamely will get in contact with Broadus and get new quotes.

c. Alex Lovec - Central Ave Culvert, no action.

d. Fire Department Building Lease - No action was taken.

Town attorney was on phone to learn more about what the EVFD was wanting and asked that the EVFD put together a detailed proposal for the Town Council and the attorney to look further at and make better decisions. Mr Noble’s idea is to sell property to EVFD but is open to any ideas the EVFD has.

i) New Business

a. Eva Grimes - Alley, no action as she removed the need to see the council before the meeting.

b. Sweets - Melissa motion to approve Kirsten Sweet to come to Ekalaka and help Kamely with financial and to not exceed $3000. Rex second, all in favor, all ayes motion carried.

c. AFR Melissa motion to rehire Norm Klein with Olness CPA to conclude the Annual Financial Report. Rex seconded, 3 ayes and no nay, motion carried.

d. Inventories rebuild for water and sewer - Kamely explained the need of inventory for water and sewer and the town inventory is low to none. Melissa motioned to approve $15,000 for the purchasing of new inventory of sewer and water. Discussion was had and said to be responsible with the town money. Kamely assured she would keep a close eye on the expenditure. Rex second all ayes, motion carried.

e. Rex and Steven Vetter’s - Steven and Rex were going to trim trees but Steven left and our red truck needs some work. Kamely will contact Steve Kalbach and see if he can work on it, no action was taken.

f. New letters for outside of building - Kamely explained that the old letters on the town building are falling and they are fragile and breaking. Rex motioned to approve the purchase of new letters for the town office, the amount of $600. Libby seconded, all ayes motion carried.

g. Nonresidential water hookups rate - Rex motioned to table until further information. Melissa seconded, all ayes motion carried.

j) Announcements

k) Next Meeting Date: November 1st, 5 p.m.

l) Adjourn Melissa motioned to adjourn, Rex second all ayes motion carried. Meting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kamely Harkins & approved by Buck Kratzer


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