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Ekalaka Town Council Regular Meeting

Town Office: January 4, 2023 at 5 p.m.

A. Call Meeting to Order at 5:01 p.m.


b. Employees Present: COLBY DIEDE, LANCE BARRERE

c. Appointed Officials Present: MAYOR BUCK KRATZER, CLERK TERI JUMP

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Public Comment-NONE

D. Presentation of Petitions and Communications: Zoning and Permits: NONE

E. Minutes from last meeting(s): read, correct (if needed) and approve.

a. Council Member Lovec moved to approve minutes, Council Member Aright seconded, no discussion, motion passed.

F. Claims

G. Reports of Officers:

a. Public Works Director: Colby Diede

i. (Streets, Parks, Pool, Water/Sewer/Landfill):

Winter bugs have been added to the lagoon in attempt to help decrease sludge.

PWD reported that Xylem must be used for maintenance on the UV system. Council Member Lovec said she will contact Xylem and try to schedule service. Once Xylem is here, Colby will discuss all possible options/systems with technician and report options to Council.

b. Mayor: Nothing to report

c. Attorney: Jennifer (via telephone)

Jennifer gave her resignation. She will continue to serve as Town Attorney until the end of February. She will work with Clerk Jump to complete tasks that she started i.e. new emails and town website. Council Member Lovec thanked Jennifer for her time, support and everything that she has done for the town.

Discussion was had regarding advertising for attorney proposal.

d. Council: No report from the Council

H. Reports of Standing and Special Committees:

a. Administrative (Clerk/Treasurer): Clerk Jump stated that with taxes and many other deadlines coming up, it would be beneficial to have Kirstin Sweet, the Clerk of Bridger, return to Ekalaka to continue to help Clerk Jump get caught up and to also train Clerk Jump more as the last time she was here, she had to focus mainly on finishing the budget.

b. Law Enforcement: Absent, discussed getting citation reports from Sherriff’s office on a regular basis. Clerk Jump will contact the Sherriff’s Department.

c. Library: No Board Members present. Clerk Jump will include Library minutes in next meeting’s packet.

d. Fire Department/Committee: Held meeting at 4:30 p.m. Discussed getting the annual lease invoice and repairing the condensate pump and furnace at the Firehouse. Need to keep alleys clear of snow as they are fire lanes and need to be clear for propane truck. Discussed possible sites for a new fire hall to be built.

e. Safety: Nothing to report

f. Interview/Hiring Committee

I. Unfinished Business

J. New Business

a. Rabies Clinic: Clerk Jump will contact veterinarians for possible dates.

K. Closed Session Option: Mayor Buck opted to move into closed session at 5:57 p.m. Out of closed session at 6:03 p.m.

L. Announcements: NONE

M. Next Meeting Date: January 20, 2023 at 5 p.m.

N. Adjourn: Council Member Wright moved to adjourn the meeting, Council Member Lovec seconded, motion passed and meeting adjourned at 6:07 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Clerk Jump on January 17, 2023

Ekalaka Town Council Regular Meeting

Town Office: January 20, 2023 at 5 p.m.

A. Call Meeting to Order at 5:01 p.m.

a. Roll Call Council: Libby Barth, Melissa Lovec, Andy Wright, Rex McCord

b. Employees Present: Lance Barrere

c. Appointed Officials Present: Teri Jump, Buck Kratzer

B. Pledge of Allegiance: Recited

C. Public Comment: NONE

D. Presentation of Petitions and Communications: Zoning and Permits: NONE

E. Minutes from last meeting(s): read, correct (if needed) and approve: Council President Barth moved to approve the minutes, Council Member Lovec seconded; no further discussion, motion passed.

F. Claims: Council President Barth moved to approve claim checks 15899-15916, Council Member Lovec seconded; no further discussion, motion passed, Mayor Kratzer signed to approve claims.

G. Reports of Officers:

a. Public Works Director

i. (Streets, Parks, Pool, Water/Sewer/Landfill): Assistant Public Works Director Lance Barrere reported that the white pickup is now fixed and running well. Lance expressed concern over the amount of garbage being pulled out of pumps at liftstation as it causes an increased amount of wear and tear and damage to the pumps. Public Works received new cables for the plow truck and will get it repaired asap.

b. Mayor: Mayor Kratzer attended the community planning meeting held at the Museum on January 17th and presented a map of trees on Main Street that was discussed as an option.

c. Attorney: Not present

d. Council: President Barth expressed the desire to hold meetings once a month and absolutely not on Fridays. Council Member Lovec spoke with someone at Xylem who stated that they are willing to work with us if we retract previous letter from Attorney. Council Member Lovec will email an apology and attempt to schedule a service.

H. Reports of Standing and Special Committees:

a. Administrative (Clerk/Treasurer)

b. Law Enforcement: None present. Council Member Wright expressed desire to review contract.

c. Library: None present. Minutes from November meeting were included in packets.

d. Fire Department/Committee: None

e. Safety: None

f. Interview/Hiring Committee: None

I. Unfinished Business

a. Rabies Clinic: Mindy will call Clerk Jump when she has an available date.

J. New Business

a. Delegate and Alternate Delegate for Carter County Chamber of Commerce: Delegate-Buck Kratzer, Alternate-Libby Barth

b. Kirstin Sweet for Clerk training: Clerk Jump expressed the importance of having the Town Clerk from Bridger return for training as there are past bank reconciliations and many other items that Clerk Jump still needs help with. Council Member Lovec asked if it was necessary since Kirstin will not be able to be here in time for tax deadlines. Council Member Wright moved to table, President Barth seconded; no further discussion, motion passed.

c. Committees/List of Council Members & appointments: Mayor and Council Members corrected list and returned to Clerk Jump to be corrected.

d. Trees on Main Street: Discussion was had regarding who would take care of trees and leaves on street. Mayor Kratzer explained they could be coniferous.

e. Fishing Pond: Mayor Kratzer expressed the desire to apply for the grant next year since this years deadline has already passed. Recreational site access can be done on private or personal property.

f. Advertising for Lifeguards: Council Member Wright moved to begin advertising for lifeguards March 1st, Council President Barth seconded; no further discussion, motion passed.

K. Closed Session Option: NONE

L. Announcements: NONE

M. Next Meeting Date: February 1, 2023 at 5 p.m.

N. Adjourn: Council President Barth moved to adjourn the meeting, Council Member Lovec seconded; no further discussion, motion passed and meeting was adjourned at 5:58 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Clerk Jump 1/31/2023


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