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The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday January 09, 2023, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Rod Tauck, Chairman; Mike Watkins, Vice Chairman; and Pamela Castleberry, member was present.

The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m.

Treasurer Jesi Pierson presented the Treasurers report; cash reports and Journal Vouchers from report Ll00 dated 10/22/2022- 12/22/22. Jesi has also received agreements from Stockman Bank and will follow up with the commission when she has reviewed them. Jesi left the meeting.

The termination agreement AM-22-0071 between the Town of Ekalaka and Carter County was signed by the commission. This agreement was set forth as passthrough for the ARPA funding for the Town waterline project in the amount of $539,699.00.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the meeting minutes for the December 30, 2022 and the January 03, 2023 meeting minutes. Commissioner Castleberry seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Larry Brence Extension Agent Administrator joined the meeting for an update on the Extension Office. He will perform performance appraisals and meet with each county in his region. The Fallon/Carter Extension office has advertised for a part time administrator and they have not had any applications. The Carter County Commission would like to see the position as full time so that there is optimal staff for the Extension programs to run efficiently. Larry left the meeting.

Public hearing for Resolution 010902023-01 guests included Public Health nurse Kirstie Nelson, Justice of the Peace Kathy Rosencranz, DES Coordinator Georgia Bruski, Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright and County Attorney Corbit Harrington joined the meeting. There where questions concerning what offices the courthouse office hours portion of the Resolution applied to as well as comments that the elected official in charge of each office could set the hours of their offices as they see fit or to meet the needs of the public they serve.

Commissioner Castleberry made the motion to approve the amended Resolution 010320223-02 to set the mileage rate to 65.5 per mile as set by the IRS. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the Resolution 01092023-01 to set the meeting hours and office hours for the courthouse. Commissioner Castleberry seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The Commissioner Tauck responded to correspondence with Maggie Barringer of KTAB in particular to set a meeting date and time to review the next steps for the old hospital project.

Commissioner Castleberry requested clarification on the policy regarding setting the agenda. Currently Commissioner Tauck has requested that agenda appointments be made through him. He will finalize the agenda before approval and posting.

Commissioner Castleberry volunteered for the Commissioners spot on the Council on Aging.

Fair Board Members Cam LaBree and Seth Whitney joined the meeting for Fair Board updates. The Board has appointed Samantha Kanode to the Fair Board. Commissioner Watkins made a motion to approve Sam’s appointment. Commissioner Castleberry seconded the motion there was no public comment and the motion carried.

Cam requested the commission look into giving Fair Board secretary Jimmie Sparks a raise, the Board has been very pleased with the work that she is doing. The Commission stated that the Fair Board secretary pay has been set at a competitive rate and the also received the 6.5% cost of living increase that was voted on by the Salary Compensation Board last year.

The Fair Board wants to know what the goal of the Comprehensive Capital Improvement Plan. The Plan is designed to set forth a 5-year plan of improvement for the County. The Board is encouraged to include larger long-term projects and wish list ideas that will be assessed by the commission. Sam Kanode is willing to work on grants to fund projects.

The Board has purchased a cooler and may have a plan to add lighting to the Fairgrounds with the assistance of Southeast Electric.

The meeting broke for lunch at 12 p.m. and reconvened at 1 p.m..

Employee Handbook and Personnel Policies update discussion. Present: Public Health nurse Kirstie Nelson, Public Health manager Stefanie Harrington, Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright. Items in the policy up for discussion included, new employee probation period extension. The procurement policy. A review of the Montana Association of Counties (MACo) policy manual will be set during several of the next Carter County Commissioners meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:48 p.m.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/s/ Rod Tauck, Chairman

Attest:/s/ Judy Wright, Clerk of the Board


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