Your Community Builder

Conversations with God

Friendly Fall

Hello God, it’s me, Mara:

You know, Lord, IF we paid attention to things that go on around us, we might see some amazing things; just sharing a moment near the Post Office: A little girl walked fast across the parking lot, then stopped as a breeze got frisky; three trees nearby gave a shower of leaves. She started dancing and singing; “Grandma! The breeze – it’s tossing golden leaves, they’re sticking to my sleeves,” She stopped as the breeze stopped, then fell down a golden leaf onto her hand. “Grandma! I think the Angels gave me a gold gift!” She danced and sang, so cute. A nearby gentleman had a glum facial expression, but he’d stopped to watch, then started to smile. He looked upwards, too, as the little girl looked up, thanking her Angels. That was precious.

Kindness matters…a moment at a grocery store. A lady seemed lost; then noticed a ‘box-boy’ stocking shelves. She called him ‘J.D’.; “I think I’m lost, where are the ‘Dragon Belly Buttons?” He looked at her and laughed – a hearty laugh, and said, “I’ve not heard them called that for ages. The Tortellini Packages are in the frozen food section, near the Sour Cream.”

At the end of a regular Sunday Church, we may be told to “GO In Peace – Serve the Lord.” “Go” tells us that our mission lies ahead of us. “In Peace,” we are given a proper “state of being” as we go in Christ’s name.

Here’s a poem of what hospitality/kindness/friendliness means:

“Take the ‘sun’ out of the sunshine, put it in a sunny smile. It will cheer a lonely person and make living more worthwhile. Take a hand that needs a helping, lead it on a happier road, it will ease those heavy burdens by your sharing half the load. Take your heart that’s filled with love, gladly give it all away. It will overflow to others, and keep rushing back every day. Take the time to speak to neighbors. A ‘Hello’ to show you care. If you may need a cup of sugar, for you, no cupboard will be bare.”

Love, Mara


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