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To the voters of Carter County,

After the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade, Montana reverted to a “Right to Privacy” law which allows abortions for any reason up to viability, 24 to 28 weeks. So a child, who has its own separate DNA, its own blood, its own soul, is no longer safe in what should be the safest and most nurturing place, the womb.

My daughter, pregnant with my 29 week grandson, entered the hospital in danger of an early birth. She was assured that he had a 95% chance of survival. At 29 weeks, he was just one week older than when he could be legally aborted! He was born at 30 weeks, and after time in the NICU, came home a healthy baby. In fact babies born at 25 weeks have over a 75% chance of survival.

Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi have said that abortion is an act of love. In what twisted world would anyone accept this! Democrats used to say abortion was necessary, in cases such as rape or incest, but should be rare. Now they even DEMAND that crisis pregnancy centers, such as the Outreach Clinic of Miles City, who help women with choices besides abortion, be shut down. Apparently we cannot even discuss choices such as adoption or raising the child, only abortion can be the “choice”. These centers, paid for by donations, give FREE pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, and some, even monetary help. The billion dollar abortion industry, partially tax-payer funded, does not offer free services.

What more loving choice is there than to carry a child for 9 months and then give that child to one of the thousands and thousands of families hoping to adopt? Surely putting one’s life on hold for a few months is a small price to pay to give a child life.

Lastly, as a Catholic, it is appalling to me that Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, who tout their Catholicism, are the biggest promotors of abortion, despite their Church absolutely never condoning abortion. BIDEN SAYS THAT IF THE DEMOCRATS WIN THE MID-TERM, HE WILL PUSH THOUGH A FEDERAL LAW TO MAKE ABORTION LEGAL FOR ANY REASON AND UP UNTIL THE MOMENT OF BIRTH.

Despite what the media would want you to believe, there are millions of women in this country, who cannot conceive of a world that does not protect the most vulnerable in our society, the human being cradled in its mother’s womb.

Claudine O’Connor,

Ismay, MT


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