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The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, October 3, 2022, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chair and Mike Watkins, Member; were present.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am.

There was no public comment

Fallon/ Carter County Extension Agent Amanda Williams and Sabre Moore Camp Needmore Board member called in to the meeting to recommend David Adams as the Camp Needmore Maintenance employee. They requested that he be hired as soon as possible.

Commissioners Tauck and Watkins gave a brief over view of the Montana Associations of Counties (MACo) meeting that they attended last week.

Dave Adams joined the meeting for an interview for the maintenance position at Camp Needmore. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to hire Dave to fill the position as maintenance at Camp Needmore. The position starts at $20.67 per hour, with the hours set by the Camp Needmore Board. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The commissioners reviewed correspondence and set up new laptops.

The meeting adjourned for lunch at 11:45 am and was called to order at 1:00 pm.

Airport Master Plan Meeting - Present: Kent Penney and Craig Canfield of KU Engineering. Troy Fruit, Dane Castleberry, and Greg Harris, Carter County Airport Board. Darin Pluhar, Plus flying Service, Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry and Attorney Corbit Harrington.

The wind study with two locations of the AWOS equipment has been completed and KU assured the group that the South position would be the choice of the FAA. The current plans have been submitted to the FAA for approval and will take several months for them to review.

The plans for the additional runway length would still need final approval from the FAA as well.

Instrument approach procedures can start now as they have been approved given that the plan will take approximately three years to complete.

There was debate between the attending pilots’ and the Engineers regarding the data and provided by the AWOS system and the best location based on the terrain and winds around the runway. The discussion included County Liability at the airport based on the expansion and upgrade. Liability would befall the FAA for the design specs. Maintenance would be the biggest liability at the Airport.

The Master Plan includes runway development, possible relocation of the Weed Department leaving the building to be used as terminal, additional hangars, and update roads and fences.

The 5-year Draft Capital Improvement Plan is required by the State of Montana and passed on to the FAA. It would include: 1. reimbursement for Master Plan 2. AWOS Ill 3. Land acquisition 4. Pavement maintenance 5. Environmental study 6. Right away easement

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the current Capital Improvement Plan. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the grant funding for the newly installed beacon in the amount of $10,874.00. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

There was further discussion on the justification and resources available to offer helicopter life flight services to the community. The storage and expense of Jet A fuel and the availability of the service is currently a draw back. The Airport Master Plan meeting ended.

The commission placed a call to Scott Cromwell, Slate Architect to review the initial findings of the auxiliary power at the new hospital building. Scott will call back when the study is complete for the final decision on replacing the current generator or adding an additional on.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:37.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/s/ Steve Rosencranz, Chairman

Attest:/s/ Pamela J Castleberry, Clerk of the Board


The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chairman; and Mike Watkins, member was present.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00. There was no public comment.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Carl Knapp joined the meeting. He requested permission to crush gravel at the Frye Gravel Pit. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve advertising to crush 70,000 yards of gravel at the Frye gravel pit. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Carl spoke with Brian Ballou regarding part time employment where they agreed that he would work 20 hrs. a week as 2 full 10-hour days. He will also provide a written documentation attesting to the hours and benefits he will no longer be eligible to receive.

There is a leak in the roof of the boiler room in the County Shop that Carl will inspect more thoroughly so that repairs can be made.

There have been several instances of hunters shooting across the Road shop property. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to place an ad in the Ekalaka Eagle stating no us of firearms on County Property. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Carl requested permission to install a chain link fence around the Road and Bridge property to prevent trespassing and theft. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the purchase and installation of a chain link fence around the County Road Department property with key access.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign the addendum to the Padden Pit Contract that would allow Willard John 10,000 yards of crushed gravel from the Padden Pit. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the Road Easement for the Thomas Pit with Garmans. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Watkins made a motion to approve the Airport COVID-19 Grant, Airport Rescue Grant and the CBDG Block Grant. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The commission conducted one of three interviews for the position of Event Center Coordinator. The position would be part time, 5 hours per week with pay at $20.67 per hour.

This was followed by a brief interview for the Airport Manager position.

Airport Board president Troy Fruit joined the meeting where there was a brief discussion of the duties and expectations of the Airport Manager. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to hire Justin Stieg for the position of Airport Manager with his wage set at $20.67 and hours not to exceed 600 hours per year. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried unanimously. Troy left the meeting.

The commission contacted Shelli Isle of the Brownfield Coalition. She recommends looking into technical assistance for the old hospital projects. There is assistance and grant funds available for planning and public outreach. She will provide more information in coming days.

The meeting broke for lunch at 11:55 am and was called to order at 1:00 pm.

The commission conducted the second interview for the Event Center Coordinator.

Commissioner Rosencranz made the motion to nominate Commissioner Tauck as the Environmental Certifying Official for the CDBG grant. Commissioner Watkins seconded the nomination. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

County Treasurer Jesi Pierson joined the meeting with Journal Vouchers for 07-22-2022 through 09-22-2022. She also presented Interest allocations, bank fee postings, court fund transfers account reconciliations and motor vehicle collections and payroll postings. Jesi left the meeting.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the meeting minutes for September 30, 2022. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The Commissioners conducted the third interview for the Event Center Coordinator. Following the interview Commissioner Rosencranz made the motion to offer the position to Kristy Bruce as the permanent part-time Event Center Coordinator for 5 hours per week and the temporary part time custodian at the Courthouse for up to two hours a day, until such time as the position can be filled. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:45 pm.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/s/ Steve Rosencranz, Chairman

Attest:/s/ Pamela J Castleberry, Clerk of the Board


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