Your Community Builder

Alzada Community Club holds meeting

The Alzada Community Club held a meeting on July 25th at the Alzada Community Hall. Several community members participated in the meeting. With no previous meeting minutes to be read the group jumped into current agenda items.

A financial update was given by Miranda Hendrickson, secretary-treasurer, that included current funds available as well as a summary of withdrawals and deposits made so far this year. It was decided that the hall rental fee will be raised from $30 to $40, year-round to help pay for any additional electrical and propane use.

Donations over that amount are, of course, gladly welcomed. The board also decided prior to the meeting that should someone rent the hall and wish to have alcohol present, they may do so at no additional cost.

Barb Patch was nominated and became the third board member along with Chuck Waterland and Miranda Hendrickson.

A program currently being offered by Southeast Electric Cooperative to promote new LED lighting in community buildings will be looked into. Many suggestions were offered in regard to building repairs. Some of those included working toward fixing the mice problem, upgrading the outhouse, painting, and installing fans in hopes of pushing heat towards the floor in the winter.

Great ideas were passed around for future fundraising efforts in order to pay for yearly operational costs such as electricity, propane and insurance as well as any future building repairs and upgrades. Fundraising suggestions included continuing with the annual poetry show, holding a dance, a potluck style dinner with featured artists, goat roping, a box social, and game nights such as Bingo or a card tournament.

After a group discussion the club decided to hold a new event this year. The first ever "Harvest Jubilee" will be held at the Alzada Community Hall on Saturday, October 1. It will be a free will donation potluck supper. There will be outdoor games such as cornhole or horseshoes and possibly more. The club will try to arrange for up to three featured artists to perform after supper, including both musicians and poets. Following these performances there will be a dance with recorded music and/or a live band.

Of those present, six people volunteered to help with this new event. The next two months will require much more planning to make it successful event. Hopefully it will be something enjoyable for everyone and for all ages! If anyone would like to get involved in some way to help bring about this new endeavor, please contact a board member or leave a message on the club's new Facebook page! Search and "like" Alzada Community Hall to keep up on future community events.


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