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Conversations with God

Creation speaks

Hello God, it’s me, Mara:

You know, Lord, the month of July has wind, thunder, lightning, and some think July is a wonderful time for us to lie on our backs and watch thunder heads lift, suggesting snow peaks range upon range. White clouds sail along, reminiscent of a fleet of merchant sailing ships from long ago paintings. They sail where the wind wills, across the summer sky. Lord, You have made the summer skies more beautiful to see beyond the telling. Could one say the winds hunt us up as if we were hiding? One gets the impression of the whole month fleeing away in the wind! It seems like the trees even whisper before we even notice the breeze and then they sway when the wind comes up. They put on a spectacular show in a storm.

Maybe the trees know a secret. They Dance. Worship. Your word tells us that the earth can rejoice and that all of Your works will praise You, including the stars, planets, and the moon, and even the mountains and the seas. Indeed, every kind of creature praises You Lord.

Before the written Word, Job declared that animals, birds and plants would/could teach those who asked, about Your character. Oh, listen. Hear the social wren chatter? Birds drift along, the red bird whistles; the mourning dove sounds his call from the neighboring windbreak. We enjoy the singing of the birds now, as in August they grow tired of singing or give way for insects to tune up.

July is muscular, swarthy, and huge handed. Thank You for the toiler with a happy heart. Thank You for the wheat, for corn growing like mad and for tomatoes ripening. Thank You, Lord, for a lovely month. Your Word, Psalm 96:12: “Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy! Let the trees of the forest sing with praise.”

Love, Mara


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