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Farm safety program at Ekalaka Elementary

The Powder River / Carter County Farm Bureau presented the ABC Farm Safety program to Ekalaka Elementary second and fifth graders on April 13th at the school. A wide range of topics were covered including ATV and farm equipment safety, being careful around animals, not playing in grain bins and even using milk jugs as a life-saving device when someone is drowning! Students had the opportunity to see how fast a PTO turns, watch a toy man get buried in grain and got to feel a jello brain. They also received goody bags from the bureau complete with pencils, coloring and puzzle books, book covers and stickers.

Afterwards, Darcia Patten and Gary Heibertshausen, who represented the bureau, headed to the Alzada school for the next presentation. They then went on to Hammond school to present for both Hammond and Hawks Home schools.

"It was a great day, minus the wind, for a marathon of ABC Farm Safety presentations. We had great participation from both teachers and kids! It's always and good time with some interesting stories," the two reported.


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