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The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Thursday, February 24, 2022, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chair; were present. Mike Watkins; member was absent.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am.

Deputy Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright stepped into the meeting to request the commission review the procurement policy. She believes there is a need to clarify rules on spending county funds for purchases out side of the bids and quotes for larger projects and purchases.

Pam requested that the County sell the old Public Health office furniture by bid in the paper. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to advertise for bids on the Public Health office furniture. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Pam also stated that the Courthouse basement room that was previously the office for Public Health is now being used for Public Health storage. The area under the stairs in being used by the Senior Citizens Coordinator.

There was discussion on setting a procurement policy for general spending. This would be in addition to the policy regarding bids and quotes required for major purchases and or projects.

Brownfield Grant for the old hospital building zoom meeting:

The meeting participants included the County, DEQ and the Brownfield grant administrators. Latysha Pancratz, Brandon Kingsbury, Beth Epley, Shelli Isle, Jason Seyler, Greg Davis EPA Regional Manager and Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry.

Carter County worked with Latysha from DEQ in 2018-2019 with the Dahl Memorial underground fuel tank data collection and monitoring. This site may be closed with institutional controls and deed restriction.

There is funding available through DEQ for testing and clean up, and funding from the Brownfield grant for technical assistant and public outreach if Carter County chooses to apply for it.

The Commissioners would like to have the required testing done on the old hospital building including the underground fuel tanks. This may include hiring an engineer and a building inspector. This would include estimated cost of refurbish or demolition. Once that is complete they would like to have public input before making the decision to refurbish or demolish the old hospital building.

Brownfield Grant funds can be used for demolition or clean up. There are also competitive grant funds available with a -15%-20% cost share from the EPA. The Brownfield Old Hospital project meeting adjourned at 11:00 am. The zoom meeting ended.

Senior Citizen coordinator Patricia Lovec joined the meeting. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign a designation form from The Department of Transportation senior transportation program. This will give the commissioners the designation to sign transportation grant applications. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried unanimously.

Patricia is in the process of applying for a grant for a new vehicle for the senor transportation. This would be a 6 passenger, all-wheel drive, handicap accessible van. The value is approximately $60,000.00 of which the county would pay 15%. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve capital to be used for the purchase of a new van. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

There was discussion regarding the County/ City Fire suppression including legislation governing fire districts, interlocal agreements and options for buildings to house the fire trucks and equipment.

The meeting broke for lunch at 11:50 and reconvened at 1:00 pm.

Weed board Meeting- Jessie Scott and Joshua McTeer, from Big Sky watershed project. J.O. Tooke, Lee Labree, Matt McCabe, and Gave Carroll.

Joshua will be here until mid-November and will be with½ time for Carter County and½ time for the Weed Association.

The County Weed Board received $139,362.00 from the Noxious Weed Trust Fund Grant.

The board asked Jessie if she has all the paperwork for the grant into the State. Jessie has paperwork in but there is a back log at the State because of COVID-19 and State employees working remotely.

There was a review of the grant acreage, payment allotment and chemical use amounts for the grant program. The landowners must have a 5-year weed plan before they can receive funding.

County Extension Agent Amanda Williams joined the meeting.

There was a motion made by Lee to replace the lights that do not work in the weed shop as well as the exterior light on the Southside of the building. The motion was seconded by Gabe. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Gabe made the motion to update the bylaws to reflect meeting by monthly with date and time to be determined at the previous meeting. The motion was seconded by J.O. there was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Rosencranz requested that the Commission receive a copy of the Weed Board agenda.

Weed Board election of officers: Lee made the motion to keep the officers the same as last year. J.O. seconded the motion to keep the Officers as Matt McCabe as Chairman, Lee LaBree as secretary. J.O. Tooke, and Gabe Carroll Members. J.O. seconded the motion. The motion carried with no public comment.

Amanda Williams reported that they had 23 people attend spray days in Carter County. The County Extension current programs include 4-H clover Buds and a leather work shop.

Meeting with the Weed Board adjourned at 3:10 pm.

The Camp Needmore board met with the commission regarding the sewer system at the Camp. Guests present include Sabre Moore, Jeff Venhaus, Pat O’Donnell, and Courtney Montgomery.

There are issues with the sewer backing up in the main hall. The septic system was pumped out and the sewer line at the Southwest corner was replaced in 2019. There continue to be issues so the Septic tank and drain field may need to be replaced. The immediate plan to have the septic pumped at cost of $550.00.

The bathhouse and the main hall have had work done including new windows in 2016 as well as a new firepit in 2021.

The Camp Need more by-laws have been updated in 2022. The commission requested notice of meetings via email. The meeting with the Camp Board ended.

County Custodian Cheri Gentry joined the meeting to review the job description and the custodial duties list. The discussion included the review of hours worked and duties completed on a regular basis. She stated that she plans to retire July 24, 2022.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:15.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/s/ Steve Rosencranz, Chairman

Attest:/s/ Pamela J Castleberry, Clerk of the Board


The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, February 28, 2022, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Present were Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; and Mike Watkins, Member. Rod Tauck, Vice Chair was absent.

There was no public comment.

The commission approved claims in the amount of $184,913.37 and payroll in the amount of $230.224.92.

The commission reviewed the EMBC Brownfields assessment request for assistance contract. They called Beth Epley for Eastern Plains Economic Development and left a message.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve Predator Boards request for a special levy in the amount of $75,000.00. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The commission will contact Dale Butori for a list of 911 radio towers and components that Carter County owns. This will facilitate the process of securing insurance for the equipment.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to sign the cooperative agreement with DPHHs and Carter County for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry presented a letter for the Senior Transportation Department of authorization with The Montana Department of Transportation for the commissioners’ signature.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the meeting minutes for February 14, 2022 with corrections. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. there was no public comment and the motion passed.

The commission discussed the grant funds for well testing reimbursement from 2019 for the old school lot. Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry will research what was applied for and paid by grant funds.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:35.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/s/ Steve Rosencranz, Chairman

Attest:/s/ Pamela J Castleberry, Clerk of the Board


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