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The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday November 30, 2021, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chair and Mike Watkins, Member; were present.

The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m.

There was no public comment.

The Board reviewed claims in the amount of $182,358.51 and payroll in the amount of $226,411.57.

The commission approved medical leave for the Weed Supervisor Jessie Scott.

Jesi Pierson presented Resolution 11302021-01 for signature by the commission. The Resolution is to authorize refund of taxes.

The commissioners asked about the claim for the Courthouse elevator inspection fees in the amount of $680.00. Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry has phoned the State for information on getting a current certificate from them with no information at this time.

The Board called Scott Cromwell of Slate Architect for more information on the Ever-Green Landscaping/ Yellowstone Environmental bill for the repair of the Courthouse sprinkler system. Scott will get in touch with them today.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the meeting minutes from November 22, 2021. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment. The minutes were approved as read.

Carter/Fallon Extension Agent Amanda Williams stopped into the meeting for an update on Extension programs. This included the 2021 Carter Co. Fair, 4-H programs, Private chemical applicators license classes and plans for winter series classes. Amanda left the meeting.

There was review of the Events Center rental contract and cleaning list. The Board placed a call to Courtney Montgomery who is the care taker for Camp Needmore. She will join next week’s meeting to discuss the duties involved in cleaning and upkeep at the Event Center.

The meeting broke for lunch at 11:55 a.m. and reconvened at 1 p.m.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Carl Knapp joined the meeting with the Hammond Rd gravel haul quote from Walker Livestock. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the quote. The Gravel haul is from HWY 212 North 7.1 miles on the Hammond RD. This would be approximately 75 loads /1500 yards of gravel per mile for a cost of $76,240.00. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

There was discussion regarding the water retention at the new hospital building. Carl will measure the ditch and pond for rock and pipe for possible French drain style system. Carl left the meeting.

Senior Citizen Coordinator Tricia Lovec requested signatures on the addendum for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding through Action for Eastern Montana. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign the addendum for ARPA funding. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion was approved.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the hire of Kylee Kennedy to clean the Senior Center with option to fill in for the senior housekeeper as needed. Her starting pay will be $15.71 an hour for 15-20 hours a month. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried. Commissioner Tauck recused himself from the vote as Kylee is his niece.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 2:47 p.m.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/S/ Steve Rosencranz, Chairman

Attest: Pamela J. Castleberry, Clerk of the Board


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