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The Corner

Carter County Holiday Memories

This time of year is like accidentally grabbing the electric fence,

In its way of making memories flash within our minds - the shortly lit days of our holidays - memories which are often intense,

I think back upon my Carter County Thanksgivings and Christmas’ - quite long ago,

The snow on the ground - the end of hunting season - the early sunsets with their golden glow.

My earliest memories are of the Belltower community holiday celebrations - with our own community Santa in tow,

The small brown paper bags of candy often with a sticky popcorn ball within the bag as well - God shined down onto us - so far below,

The cedar (actually juniper) Christmas tree - with its distinct - sometimes overpowering scent,

The Santa standing near the open pickup tailgate - its bed filled with sacks of goodies for all us kids - special moments spent.

And then in Ekalaka - the tall ponderosa placed at the intersection of Speelmon Street and Main - all lit up - it’s hard to acknowledge - how much it all meant,

To have that shining tree to look at in the dark nights and sometimes snowy days - those times were to celebrate - not lament,

And of course we had the Ekalaka Santa show up with brown paper bags of candy - again with perhaps a popcorn ball,

Within this sack - with the tootsie rolls - and hard curled candy - us kids thinking we had made quite a haul.

We must think back of our days then - spent with family - times have changed,

But much is still the same - when one strips off the old paint - of all these years - similar joyfulness - can still be arranged.

One cannot but feel a tear form when thinking back so long ago,

Yet we can get sidetracked in these memories easily - to long ago mistakes or resentments we can still be chained to - this we all know,

But as for myself - I was really quite lucky in where I lived in those early years,

It shaped me greatly - and has been a solid foothold in times of trial - through life’s grievance and fears.

Of the Carter County land which I know - the Rims are a magnificent place to go any time - but on a holiday day - it’s the place to steer,

To look south to so much of the county - the distant Long Pines - the Boxelder Creek valley - a magpie’s caw to hear,

I’m lucky to have such memories to draw upon in these times of decreasing precious sunlight,

Which we pay a premium emotionally for - this time of year - we must savor it - with all our might.

But the green of the cedar or pine brough reminds us of our individual spiritual rites,

When we recharge ourselves again - for a new year to descend upon us - on that last December night,

I am quite lucky - I’ve already said that I know,

But it bears many reminders in our busy lives - true serenity is our goal.

So I’m glad I wrote these words to hopefully be printed in the Ekalaka Eagle,

And I thank the Lord above - as to me - still owning my delightful holiday memories - it’s a part of my soul.


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