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Conversations with God

Reach for the stars and praise the Lord

Hello God, it’s me, Mara:

You know, Lord, sometimes we ‘need’ a bit of help to understand all about God’s creation and His gift of ‘wisdom’ for us. Several of us stood on the side-line, ‘observing’ some incidents, as JoeJoe – zoomed by on his ‘wheely’ while his buddy warned him to drive more carefully, do NOT run over Grandma, he loudly called. JoeJoe just laughed and said that Grandma had the wall to hang onto, and her grandson on the other side of her - so Grandma was OK.

Right then, there was a ‘tap tap tap’ as 3 gals came down the walkways. Tall and lanky, Gordy was delighted to see them – he knew they were after his lunch menu. CeCe laughed, asking IF he’d changed his mind about anything that he may have already chosen, OR could they just bring his noon meal like they always did, topped off with some chocolate cake. He laughed – so they knew the answer to that question.

Then, quietly one of the gals motioned – shssss.- Several gals around her looked and SEEING that Mr. W. had winked; they KNEW that the wink also meant that we all have been given wisdom to do right or wrong, that we have to decide which is best for us and ours. He nodded his head as we looked off toward the far end of the aisle and saw Ms. ‘Twyla bending over to ‘help’ an elderly lady get back into her wheelchair as the long-blue-jean-lad gently helped, quietly saying that he had seen the morning stars and reached for them as he muttered Psalm 8:3-4 for us to hear: “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is mankind that You are mindful of them, human beings that You care for them?”.

Love, Mara


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