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The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Friday, October 29, 2021, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chair and Mike Watkins, Member; were present.

The Commission approved the claims in the amount of $359,011.85 and payroll in the amount of $216,961.03. There was a second warrant issued to correct an error in Fike Crushing in the amount of $4,000.00. The commission also withheld payment to Evergreen Landscaping

Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry joined the meeting. There was discussion regarding the Event Center rental policy including fees and the rental agreement.

The commission discussed employee meal reimbursement. The Policy and Procedures manual and Resolution# 01072019-02.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the October, 12 and 18th meeting minutes, with corrections. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

County Attorney Corbit Harrington joined the meeting. Commissioner Steve Rosencranz left the meeting.

Judge Kathy Rosencranz joined the meeting for the official review of the Justice of The Peace office hours. Judge Rosencranz presented the duties and case load currently at the office. Attorney Harrington finds it important to his duties to have the office open full time. The commission commented that the office hours were originally extended to full time to facilitate setting up the Full Court software system. This has been accomplished but they are not currently running updated system “Enterprise” Software because of installation issues with the State of Montana. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to continue to staff the Justice of the Peace office full time. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry and Deputy Clerk Judy Wright discussed the claims for the warrant for the Town of Ekalaka, it will be reissued to pay the utilities separate from the ARPA funds draw. The Evergreen Landscaping warrant will be held until the issue with the repair of the sprinkler lines is resolved.

The meeting adjourned for lunch at 12:00.

The Public Health Board met at 1:00 pm. Board Members present included Steve DeFord, Rita Williams, Steve Rosencranz, Mike Watkins and Rod Tauck. Advisory members present: Georgia Bruski, County DES coordinator. Also present: Public Health Manager Stefanie Harrington and by phone Kirstie Nelson.

The meeting minutes from the July 30, 2021 meeting were read and approved by a motion from Steve DeFord and seconded by Rita Williams. There was no public comment and the motion was passed unanimously.

Department reports: The Carter County Public Health Department held two influenza vaccination clinics, one in Ekalaka and one in Alzada with 75 vaccinations given. They are scheduling 2 more vaccination clinics.

Kirstie has completed her child car seat certification. The department has plans to set up a car seat check in the future.

The public Health Department is offering the Suicide prevention class to the public and the Carter County Public School staff. This program is presented by Eastern Montana Mental Health Center.

They are also working with Sabre Moore who has the suicide prevention certification through YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health) to offer the Y.A.M. Program at the Carter County Public School students in the spring of 2022.

The Health Department is preparing to participate in the Smile Partners Program that offers a traveling dental program.

They are also offering free COVID-19 testing, and vaccinations, including the booster shot by appointment.

There being no further business the Carter County Public Health meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve a Warrant for $16,000.00 to the Town of Ekalaka for the water mainline project as part of the ARPA funds, Contingent on the approval of the County and Ekalaka ARPA funds contract. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign the substance abuse tax distribution agreement. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Deputy Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright asked for clarification on County Departments purchasing goods from the ljkalaka. They offer prepaid accounts. This would be difficult to set up and track for each department. The commission recommends that the purchaser pay for the items needed and then fill out a claim for reimbursement by the County.

Participation in the Big Sky Water Shed Corp was discussed. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the acquisition of a member to assist the County Weed Department with spray season duties. Commission Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment, and the motion carried.

The commissioners signed the letter to approve compensation for Jerry Kalstrom at $15.71 per hour for snow removal at the airport in Bill Kalstrom’s absence.

Jessie Scott, Weed Department Supervisor joined the meeting where she and the commission reviewed the decision on the application for the Big Sky Water Shed Program member. Jessie doesn’t currently have candidates for the position to interview. She will keep the Weed Board and the Commission updated on the situation.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:20 pm.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/S/ Steve Rosencranz, Chairman

Attest: Pamela J. Castleberry, Clerk of the Board


The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, November 01, 2021, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chair and Mike Watkins, Member; were present.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am.

Commissioner Rosencranz asked for public comment. There was none.

The Commissioners and Carl Knapp, Road and Bridge Supervisor interviewed Brian Ballou for a position on The Road Department Crew.

Senior Coordinator, Tricia Lovec joined the meeting to request permission to hire someone to clean the Senior Citizens Center. Kathy Smith currently does home visits and cleans the senior center. She no longer wishes to clean the center. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to advertise for someone to clean the Center 15 hours a week. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

OAC Meeting (Owner Architect Contractor)

Present: Ryan Tooke, Dahl Memorial CEO. Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry. Phone in: Kelly Axtman, and Scott Cromwell of Slate Architect. Greg Benjamin Stahly Engineering. Cody Taggert and John Neisner, Scull Construction.

The Decontamination room floor will be completed November 05, 2021. There will be onsite training for the maintenance of the Carter County Health Care Facility. November 2, 2021 will be electrical and November 03, 2021 will be with NorPac, Allied Controls and Star Plumbing for mechanical training.

The commission asked for clarification on key for Public Health as well as a lock for the door between the exam room and the office in the public Health offices. Ryan will get keys for Public Health from maintenance staff and Scull Construction will add lockset to room# 1228A.

Ryan Tooke outlined the State Inspection that will take place in the facility next week. He also spoke to Dahl Memorial maintenance Scott Elmore about the x-ray/ CT scan rooms. The rooms are too warm and there’s too much condensation.

There has been no follow up email from Evergreen Landscaping concerning the repair to the broken sprinkler system.

John stated that the propane usage has been monitored regularly and the usage seems to be in line with where it should be. Mechanical Engineer, James Taylor would have the data on typical usage for a building this size with this system.

Ryan has spoken to the hospital maintenance staff about the x-ray and CT rooms. There is a lot of condensation and they are too warm.

Muth Electric has taken care of the issues with the back up generator. It is now back on a Scheduled program. The commission will check with Dahl Memorial maintenance to make sure that there aren’t any issues with it.

Dahl Memorial will start moving into the facility next Tuesday. Scott Cromwell will be on site that day as well.

Dahl Memorial Health Care has hired Hoppe’s Enterprises to do another final clean of the new facility at approximate cost of $8,900.00.

Dahl Memorial has a quote from Muth electric to install additional electrical outlets in the building at a cost of $8,726.00. Commissioner Tauck made the motion to cover the cost of installing additional electrical outlets in the offices, the hallways and the waiting room outside the PT rooms. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. The motion carried with no public comment.

The next OAC meeting will be November 15, 2021.

Carter County Public Health Nurse Kirstie Nelson joined the meeting for her six-month performance review. She stated that things are going well. She asked for clarification of hours she is currently working 24 hours a week. Normally Monday and Tuesday starting at 8:30 or 9:00am. She works her time around scheduled events, classes and trainings. There are times that she has stayed late to answer calls and care for patrons. The commission want the residents of the County taken care of regardless of the hours. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve Kirstie Nelson to work more than 24 hours a week. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried. Kirstie will receive a letter outline the pay and hours.

The commission requested that a notice be placed in The Ekalaka Eagle that they will be updating the Event Center rental Contract at the November 08, 2021 commission meeting.

The meeting broke for lunch at 12:00 and reconvened at 1:00.

Ekalaka Mayor Vicki Fix and Town Clerk Kitty Schmid joined the meeting to see if Carter County has any interest in a Fire District. Sheriff Neil Kittleman, DES Coordinator Georgia Bruski and Fire Chef Mark Wright also joined the meeting.

Attorney Harrington explained that a Fire District is formed when there is signed petition and then a hearing. This is then followed by being placed on the ballot for a vote of the County where it must pass by 40%.

Georgia sees no need for a Fire District as the County Fire operates well. Works well with Alzada Fire, The Town Fire Department and various state and local agencies.

Mark stated that there would not be the tax base to fund a Fire District as the County Department is already funded part of the County. The Town of Ekalaka currently collects 2mils from Town residents for fire protection.

Vicki and Kitty thanked the group for their thoughts and discussion turned to the Town mapping project. The Town has taken no action to have the boundaries re-survey because of the cost involved. Pam stated that the County has received a grant to overlay the maps that the County already owns. The guests left the meeting.

The commission discussed the Event Center rental contract.

Commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign the MOU with the Town of Ekalaka for the ARPA Funding. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 2:30.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/S/ Steve Rosencranz, Chairman

Attest: Pamela J. Castleberry, Clerk of the Board


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