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Letter to the editor

Ekalaka VFW Auxiliary 7885 hosts state senator and representative visit

by Jacki Poland (Dept. Legislative Chairman)

On September 29, 2021, we had a visit by State Senator Ken Bogner and State Representative for our area, Jerry Schillinger.

Although we had sent out letters of invitation to different towns in our area, and put out fliers around town, we had a modest turn out. Even with that, we had a good time. Cookies and Zucchini Bread were baked by Auxiliary Members and enjoyed by many, along with Coffee and Lemonade.

Subjects brought up and discussed ranged from Veterans Medical Care on the East side of Montana being in a sad state, the Amtrak accident up by Poplar, and how it would end up affecting the State…, and of course among other topics, the COVID Mandates.

There were a lot of great questions asked and good answers too, some of which were more anticipated than others, but all in all, it was a GREAT time. It was the first time I as an Auxiliary Officer (President of VFW Post Auxiliary 7885), and I would like to see more Town Hall Meet & Greets done as well. We started out with our Local Legislators, but Senator Daines and Senator Tester are always welcome when in our area. Maybe, we’ll try this again in the Spring.

Senator Bogner is a Marine Corps Veteran and lives in Miles City, MT. As a Veteran, he appreciated and understood the concerns about Medical Care for Veterans on the East Side of the State, as he is having to deal with the same issues himself.

Both he and Representative Schillinger said there would be no COVID Mandates at this time, and said there would never be a total shut down of businesses again due to COVID. As far as the Amtrak accident, responsibility of the track in that area is still uncertain, but felt it would not fall on the State.


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