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The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Thursday, September 23, 2021, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; and Mike Watkins, member was present; Rod Tauck, Vice Chairman was absent.
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by Commissioner Steve Rosencranz.
The Chairman called for public comment.
The Commissioners discussed new hospital drainage. This included vertical drain pipe and rock in the bottom of the Northside retention pond and moving sprinkler heads back from the road.
Linda Ziettlow county resident joined the meeting.
Carter County Road and Bridge Supervisor Carl Knapp joined the meeting. The bridge on the Stagville Draw RD has been deemed unsafe during the last state inspection on August 19, 2021. The Road and Bridge Crew will install barricades and signage to restrict use of the bridge until it can be repaired.
The Commission and Carl reviewed the applications for the Road and Bridge crew. Carl will set up interviews for the afternoon of September 30, 2021.
Deputy Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright and County Attorney Corbit Harrington joined the meeting.
Carl stated that work will be compete on Bogner Lane tomorrow and the crew will start working on the South end of the Hammond RD when the pipeline is complete and Stahly Engineering has completed the use evaluation.
Fike Gravel Crushing will start work at the Thomas Pit next week. Judy requested a bill from Fike's for the work done at the Brownfield Pit. Carl will have them submit a claim. Carl left the meeting.
Dahl Memorial Operating plan meeting: guests included Myrna Tooke and Carole Carey, members of the public. County Public Health Supervisor Stefanie Harrington, Jitt Schieder Hospital Board Chair, Ryan Tooke DHMH CEO and Steve McNeece and Laura from CAH Solutions Group.
Steve McNeece requested comment for the commission and the public in attendance. Comments included. The hospital is run fiscal responsibly, with the best interest of the residents of Carter County.
Steve McNeece presented the operating plan for 2021-2022. The plan was reviewed in detail and included:
1. Patient/ resident safety and quality clinical outcomes
2. Relations: employee, provides, Board of Directors
3. Community Health
4. Fiscal
Town of Ekalaka Clerk Kitty Schmid joined the meeting. The commission, Attorney Harrington and Kitty reviewed the contract for over sight of ARPA funds. The funds would be dispersed through Carter County with The Town of Ekalaka submitting claims to the County. The County will then submit funds to the Town, who will then pay the vendors. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve and present the contract with the Town of Ekalaka for the distribution of ARPA Funds. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.
The meeting recessed for lunch at 12:04 and reconvened a 1:05.
The commission reviewed the letter of engagement from Dorsey and Whitney for services of the lease agreement for the new hospital building with Dahl Memorial Health Care Association.
Commissioner Watkins made the motion to accept the letter of engagement with the terms of $15,000.00 for preparation of the lease. With an additional cost of $10,000 - $15,000 for finalization of the lease agreement. Commissioner Tauck seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.
The commission discussed the Airport Master Plan as well as the Propane tank farm fence.
Attorney Harrington mentioned that the Pubic Health signs in front of the old hospital should be moved to the new hospital building.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 1:43 p.m.
Board of County Commissioners
Carter County, Montana
/S/ Rod Tauck, Vice-Chairman
Attest: Pamela J. Castleberry, Clerk of the Board
The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Thursday, September 30, 2021, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chairman and Mike Watkins, member were present.
Commissioner Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 9:00.
There was no public comment.
Georgia Bruski stepped into the meeting to let the commission know that BLM will set Stage 1 fire restrictions in conjunction with the Forest Service and Carter County.
The commissioners reviewed and approved the payroll in the amount of $231,958.50 and the claims in the amount of $927,526.76. After review they pulled the warrant for Muth Electric in the amount of $7115.00 for further review.
There was discussion regarding moving Carter County Public Health to the new building. Steve spoke to John Niesner of Scull Construction, concerning move in dates. John sees no issues if the internet services are available.
The Commission contacted John from Scull Construction, regarding the warrant for Muth Electric. John is on vacation. Cody Taggart, Scull Construction was contacted has well. He found that there had been a change in the billing because the propane tank project was bid as underground and then changed by the County to above ground. The bill was sent to Dahl Memorial September 29, 2020. John and Cody will look into the matter further.
Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry joined the meeting where she explained that she did not sign the warrant for the purchase of posts from Carl Knapp. It is her opinion that is in violation of the ethics policy of the County Policy and Procedures’ manual outlined on page 34.
County Attorney Corbit Harrington joined the meeting. He reviewed the Policy and Procedures’ manual and stated his opinion that purchasing posts from Carl may not be a violation of the policy. Carl is a vendor of a product. Pam requested that Rod sign the warrant. Pam left the meeting.
The Commission placed a call to Dahl Memorial’s CEO Ryan Tooke about the New Hospital Inspection from Fire, Life Safety. He joined the meeting to discuss the inspection. The inspection noted issues with conduit, CT scan isn’t assembled, the lab equipment isn’t in place and questioned alarm button by elevator.
Ryan has goal to start move November 1, 2021, though some staff may start move before that. Dahl has tentative scheduled trainings Through October and November. The State recommends that Dahl Memorial divert medical services to Fallon County during the move.
Public Health manager Stefanie Harrington joined the meeting. There was a discussion about the phone and internet services provided separately to Public Health and Dahl Memorial in the new hospital. The service is currently on, and The Public Health Department is preparing to move to the new facility.
Ryan would like to request a quote to install more electrical outlets upstairs in the waiting area near the PT Department. The commission agreed and suggested he contract Muth Electric and other contractors for a quote. Ryan left the meeting.
Senior Coordinator Tricia Lovec joined for the Zoom meeting with Action Eastern Montana. Zoom guests included Linda Wolff and Heather. The group reviewed the funding budget received from Action for Eastern Montana as well as the ARPA/ COVID funds. Discussion included allowable purchases with the ARPA/COVID monies. The zoom meeting concluded, and Tricia left the meeting.
Commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign the Department of livestock Predator control agreement for 2021-2022. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried unanimously.
The meeting broke for lunch at 11:45 am and reconvened at 1:00 pm.
The Road and Bridge Supervisor Carl Knapp and David Loudermilk joined the meeting for an interview for the position on the Road and Bridge Crew. David left the meeting and Dana Blutt joined the meeting to interview for the position. Dana left the meeting at the conclusion of the interview.
The commissioners placed a call to the auditor Bob Denning of Denning and Associates. They requested his opinion regarding the purchase of milled signposts from Carl Knapp which he took to Whitewood to be treated. Bob stated that similar transactions regularly take place in small Montana communities because there are little to no options to purchase items elsewhere. Bob doesn’t see an ethical violation of policies and recommended documenting the purchases in the commission proceedings. The call ended with Bob and Carl left the meeting.
Stefanie Harrington, Public Health Manager and Rita Williams County Health Board joined the meeting for Stefanie’s 6-month performance review. Stefanie gave an update on Public Health including:
• Partnership with the school is working well
• COVID -19 is keeping the department busy
• Care van is set up for vaccines in Alzada today and will be in Ekalaka tomorrow
• The department is making contacts across the state.
Rita commented that she has had several phone calls from County citizens as they could not get a hold of anyone at the public Health Department. The phone doesn’t seem to be forwarded to a person just a voicemail. Rita finds there to be a negative public perception of the Department when calls are not answered promptly by an employee.
Stefanie stated that the nurses are part time and that the office is not manned 5 days a week. The phone is forwarded to herself or one of the nurses around the clock.
Commissioner Rosencranz sees a need for the office to be staffed regularly and the move to the new facility may make that easier. There was discussion about vaccines, suicide prevention training and preschool screening. There next Health Board meeting will be October 29, 2021, and a possible date for the After-Action Review debriefing is October 18, 2021.
Commissioner Tauck moved to remove Stefanie from her 6-month probation period. This will increase he wages to $19.03 per hour. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment. The motion carried unanimously. Stefanie and Rita left the meeting.
Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve the meeting minutes for September 17th and 20th 2021. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.
Commissioner Tauck made the motion to sign the BARSA resolution. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion with no public comment. The motion was approved.
Jesi Pierson, Carter County Treasurer met with the board to discuss school finances.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.
The Board of Carter County Commissioners
Carter County, Montana
/S/ Rod Tauck, Vice-Chairman
Attest: Pamela J. Castleberry, Clerk of the Board
The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, October 04, 2021, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chair and Mike Watkins, Member; were present.
Commissioner Steve Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.
Judy Wright, EMT Director; joined the meeting to let the commission know that in the process of moving into the Carter County Health facility she found that there was flooring or baseboard glue on the floor in room 1119. She removed it; but noticed more in the hallway.
Judy also worked on the landscaping in the front of the Courthouse. She would like to see the County hire someone to maintain the beds if the maintenance staff is not going to do it. Commissioner Watkins suggested having Evergreen Landscaping apply a pre-emergence in the spring to help keep the flower beds free of weeds and grass.
Camp Needmore Board member Jeff Venhaus called into the meeting to request permission to have the County Road Department dig a hole to place a new fire pit at The Camp. The Commission approved and Jeff will contact Carl Knapp, Road and Bridge Supervisor.
Justice of the Peace Kathy Rosencranz and Clerk Kamely Harkins joined the meeting requesting clarification of Kamley’s hours and wages when she is filling in as substitute judge.
Attorney Corbit Harrington and Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry joined the meeting. Commissioner Rosencranz recused himself from the meeting.
Kamely requested to meet with the commission to clarify that she be paid the 90% of the judge’s salary for the full day that Kathy is gone as per the letter she received stating as such after the meeting. She went on to explain that she is on call in Kathy’s absence and believes that she should be compensated, not necessarily for the on-call hours but for the 8 hours in the office.
Judge Rosencranz only approved Kamely’s hours work as the sub judge and not for the full day and required written transfer of duties for Kamely to be eligible for sub judge wages. Kathy found that there is a variety of ways other Montana Counties pay for Substitute judge services.
Commissioner Tauck understood the commission’s decision was to pay Kamely sub judge wages only for the hours worked as a sub judge. He sees a value in having someone on-call and would like the commission to base their decision on this matter based on what is best for the County.
County Attorney Corbit Harrington suggested that it would be less costly for the County to pay Kamely as a substitute judge would be paid for their time as well as Kamely in Kathy’s absence. Duties that could fall to Kamely would be temporary restraining order, 48-hour hearing, and warrants. Duties such as rulings and disqualifications would require a sitting judge to fill in for Kathy. He suggests compensating her for a full day’s work.
Clerk and Recorder/ Human Resources officer Pam Castleberry stated that once a department head signs an employee’s timesheet for payroll it should not be changed without proper notification and communication between the department head and the employee.
Kathy stated that she will continue to use a written form to sign over judge duties to substitutes so that there is a clear understanding of when the duties change hands.
Commissioner Tauck made the motion to approve Kamely has a substitute Judge in writing in the absence of Judge Kathy Rosencranz. Kamely will be compensated for the full 8-hour day of work at 90% of the judge’s salary with back pay for the hours removed from her timesheet in June 2021. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment. The motion was approved.
Clerk and Recorder/ Human Resource officer officially Pam Castleberry requested a review of the hours of the office of the Justice of the Peace. The review was tentatively set for October 29, 2021.
Meals on Wheels services are contracted by Terry Stieg and is paid through the Senior Citizens Program. The Department of Labor denied Terry’s Independent Contractors Application. The commission will have Terry and Tricia Lovec join the meeting this afternoon.
The Commission discussed the Hospital Building lease. They also placed phone calls to Cody Taggart and John Neisner from Scull Construction with a request for keys to the building.
The meeting broke for lunch at 11:50 and reconvened at 1:00
Senior Coordinator Tricia Lovec and Meals on Wheels delivery driver Terry Stieg joined the meeting. The discussed options for the contracted services to deliver the meals. It was decided that he would resubmit his application for Independent Contractors Application.
The commission received an email from Jay and Michael Slaba regarding the unkept conditions at the Carter County Event Center. The commission discussed having a signed rental agreement, charging a deposit and having the building inspected before returning the deposit.
Deputy Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright presented the commission with a bill from Evergreen Landscape for the repair damage to the underground sprinkler system that was damaged when installing the sprinkler system install for the hospital.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm.
Board of County Commissioners
Carter County, Montana
/S/ Steve Rosencranz, Chairman
Attest: Pamela J. Castleberry, Clerk of the Board
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