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The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, September 20, 2021, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; and Mike Watkins, member was present; Rod Tauck, Vice Chairman was absent. Guest: Jeff Venhaus

Commissioner Rosencranz called the meeting to order at 9 a.m.

Commissioner Rosencranz requested public comment. Jeff commented that he would like to see the commission proceedings published in the Ekalaka Eagle. Jeff left the meeting.

Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve the meeting minutes from September 07 and 13, 2021 with corrections. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The commission discussed the hospital project drainage including the sprinkler system, putting rock in the retention ditch and pond. Discussed the installation of a vertical drain in the retention pond.

The commission signed the 2022 budget Certification and Resolution 08302021-01 that was approved August 30, 2021.

OAC meeting

Present Ryan Tooke, DMHC CEO, Clerk and Recorder Pam Castleberry, Public Health Manager Stefanie Harrington and Corbit Harrington County Attorney. Phone in: John Neisner and Cody Taggert from Scull Construction. Scott Cromwell and Kelly Axtman from Slate Architect.

The state inspection of the new hospital is scheduled for Wednesday, 09-23-2021.

Scull as scheduled a turn over meeting with the maintenance staff at the hospital.

Certificate of Occupancy was received last week.

Scull Construction is still monitoring the propane usage. The boiler was turned back on September 13, 2021.

Scull Construction has caulking to replace and a drywall patch in the entry to paint to complete the owner punch list. The contractors punch list is complete. There will be a final walk through with James, Scott and Kelly.

There was discussion regarding the landscape drainage and sprinkle system. Repair dirt retention berm and the add drain pipe. The commission would like to see the sprinkler in the retention pond capped. Scott will contact Greg Benjamin of Stahly Engineering to finalize the drainage system.

Scull Construction is prepared to deliver the final bill including the 2.5% / 5% retainage. Commissioner Rosencranz requested that the boiler issues are worked out and any affidavits are signed before final payment.

Water on the floor in the mechanical room, no water leaking from the roof. Scull will look into it.

The call with Scull Construction and Slate Architect ended. The next OAC meeting will be October 12, 2021 at 10 a.m.

Ryan is optimistic that Dahl will move in November 01, 2021. He requested permission to request quotes for negative air in one of the ER rooms.

Judy Wright EMT coordinator, joined the discussion regarding the ER bay. Attorney Harrington has concerns about the carbon dioxide build up in the bay. The EMT’s have policies that include leaving the overhead doors open until the ambulance engine is turned off. If it becomes and issue an exhaust fan can be installed. Judy left the meeting.

Bruski Fencing submitted a quote of $9,000.00-$10,000 for the Hospital Propane tank farm fence. The commission called Mark Bruski to clarify bid. The quote includes 3’ gate at the shut off and a 4’ fill gate. Corners will be set in concrete and the project completion date will be October 31, 2021. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to accept the quote from Bruski Fencing. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

Attorney Harrington presented the rough draft of the ARPA funds contract with Town of Ekalaka for the water main project. There was discussion regarding ARPA funding payouts for the Town of Ekalaka water main project. Contract will include monthly claims submitted to the County with progress checks by The County.

Sheriff Kittlemann joined the meeting to inform the Commission that he intends to stay in stage I Fire Restrictions as long as Forest Service continues with restrictions.

The meeting broke for lunch at 12:00 and reconvened at 1:00 pm

County Superintendent of Schools Tracey Walker joined the meeting with school levies. The commission approved the levies and discussed student enrollment in rural schools. Tracey left the meeting.

Airport Master Plan meeting with KU Engineering. Guests included Dick and Karen Hammel, Darin Pluhar, Dane Castleberry and Troy Fruit Carter County Airport Board. Kent Penney, Andrew Zilki and Craig Canfield from KU Engineering. Ryan Tooke DMHC CEO. On Webex: Mary Lynch KU, Scott Eaton FAA, and Mark McKee, State Aeronautics Division.

Topics of discussion included location for the AWAS system and runway length in relation to the property owner’s usage. Hammel’s would prefer 45-50ft access for machinery and cattle without odd fence angles to work around.

KU presented the various options for the terminal and hangers. The group favored Alternative A with hangers and taxi ways located to the South to avoid the creek and drainage area. KU will redesign alternative A to present at the next meeting. The Airport Master Plan meeting adjourned.

The commission visited with Eric Lovec of the Ekalaka Eagle about publishing the commission proceedings. Commissioner Watkins made the motion to approve publish the proceedings in the Eagle weekly for $450.00 per month. Commissioner Rosencranz seconded the motion. The motion passed with no public comment.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:50 pm.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/S/ Steve Rosencranz, Chairman

Attest: Pamela J. Castleberry, Clerk of the Board

The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in special session on Friday, September 17, 2021, in the Carter County Healthcare Building, Ekalaka, Montana. Steve Rosencranz, Chairman; Rod Tauck, Vice Chairman was present; and Mike Watkins, member was absent.

Guests: Robert Johnson, Cody Taggart Scull Construction. County Attorney Corbit Harrington, DMHC CEO, Ryan Tooke, Public Health Department Supervisor Stefanie Harrington.

The Special meeting was called to walk through the new hospital building to review the commissioner’s 2nd punch list.

Ceiling tile down is some areas- still working in those areas, it will be in place when the projects are complete.

The floor in the decon room will be leveled to the drain and the weather strip installed on the door in October when the contractor can come to Ekalaka to complete the job.

The hole in the wall in the entry has been patched and will be painted when the repair is cured.

The North side electrical room has pipes that pass through the wall. There isn’t a requirement to seal the penetrations.

The emergency light cover is not on as the work needs to be completed on the light.

The south side water retention pond (berm) was discussed with commissioner Rosencranz. The leftover topsoil will be used to make repairs to the berm when the soil is taken for fill on a landowner’s project.

The Northside drainage pond has a sprinkler head in it. Cody will have Mike from Evergreen landscape remove the sprinkler.

The final cleaning contract has been paid out. Dahl Memorial may have the contractor come in as well has Dahl Memorial custodial staff clean after furnishing and equipment are moved in.

The boiler was turned on September 09, 2021 (5 days). Muth Electric and the commissioning agent are monitoring the boiler and the propane usage.

There is water pooling on the floor in the mechanical room upstairs. Scull Construction will investigate.

Ryan Tooke left the meeting and Troy Fruit; Dahl Memorial Board member joined the meeting.

There is concern about the condensation form the roof top units running across the roof membrane. Commissioner Rosencranz suggested installing PVC pipe to direct the water to the down spouts.

Troy questioned the power usage and there was discussion regarding the propane usage as well as the generator. The generator has been shut off manually because it would not shut down automatically. Muth will be here next week to look into the issue.

The roof access doors security was discussed which included installing keypad locks or alarms. Robert will get a quote for two door alarms.

Ryan Tooke DMHC CEO joined the meeting.

There was discussion on the area of refuge button location. Ryan will find out if it can be covered so that it would not be activated by someone leaning on it.

The caulking around the door jams and the floor doesn’t match in some areas. Scull will replace the mismatched caulking.

There has been an issue with rain coming in around the roof top units. Scull Construction will replace the insulation and ceiling tiles. If it continues to be a problem they will have a guard fabricated to keep the rain from blowing in.

There was discussion of the state inspection and transfer of location.

Cody and Robert left the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 3:10

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/S/ Steve Rosencranz, Chairman

Attest: Pamela J. Castleberry, Clerk of the Board


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