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4-H news

The Gumbo Gophers 4-H club held their fourth meeting on March 13, at McInerney's. The members present were Selah and Suri Johnston, Natalie and Alivia Foxley, Elizabeth and Grace Hall, Keenan McInerney, Zander Oliver, Tylinn Thomas, and Tanner Wright. The leaders were Sharon Higgins, Terri Raye McInerney, Thebea Thomas, and Lisa Borchgrevink. The guests present were Misty and Melissa Johnston, Staci Hall, and Rhett Borchgrevink.

Terri Raye gave each member a bowl to mix ingredients for quick bread. Each member added different ingredients. Some of the things added were chocolate chips, pumpkin, rhubarb, caramel, coffee, apples, applesauce, zucchini, coconut, Coca Cola, orange soda, and peanut butter chips. After that each member rolled out a handful of dough and added toppings to make a pizza.

For the activity Elizabeth had us make a pot of gold picture for St. Patrick's day.

Vice President Zander called the meeting to order. Suri led the pledges and Selah led us in singing " If You're Happy and You Know It". Tylinn's roll call was answered by naming your favorite thing to do in March. Keenan read the minutes from the last meeting. Alivia gave the treasurer's report. After the meeting the members played tag and sampled the bread and pizza. The next meeting will be held on April 10, 2021 at Sharon Higgins’.


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