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Headstone dedication ceremony honors local matriarch

Sophia Ann Folsom Padden (December 17, 1846 – February 14, 1935), matriarch of the Montana Padden families, was remembered with a new headstone dedication on Saturday, June 5. Sophia Ann homesteaded in the Tie Creek area of Montana in 1886 with her husband Thomas Jimmison Padden and their children: Willard Bernard, Nellie Charlotte and Electa Ann. Sophia Ann had a garden, milked cows, made butter and 15-pound blocks of cheese, fed the Padden Sawmill crews, and rode side saddle as she broke horses, which were sold by Willard to settlers and the French army.

The headstone dedication ceremony held at the Fairview Cemetery near Camp Crook was made possible by Willard John and Juanita Padden and Dorothy Padden (wife of Benjamin Folsom Padden who was named by Sophia Ann for her father, Benjamin Folsom). An opening prayer and Sophia Ann's obituary from the February 15, 1935 Range Gazette were read by Lorraine Padden Chin. Scriptures from Philippians and Revelation were read by Donald Kuntz, the Lord's Prayer was joined in unison, and Amazing Grace and Taps were played on the clarinet by Monica Kuntz Peterson. The foundation for the headstone was prepared by Don Kuntz, then the youngest descendants aided in setting the headstone. Memories of Sophia Ann and her children and grandchildren were shared by Willard John Padden, Ronald Kuntz, and many others.

A potluck lunch was served at the Camp Crook Area Community Center, a slide show with family history was shown and the Camp Crook Theater Museum was opened for viewing. Gwen and Mark Millett cooked up the meat provided by D.J. and Monica Peterson. Delicious birthday and anniversary cakes celebrating June events were served. Many descendants helped with setup and cleanup including Sylvia McKinley and family, Kelly and Spring Padden and family, B.J. and Michelle Padden and family, Kevin and Lisa Olmsted, Don and Robin Kuntz, D.J. and Monica Peterson, the Kuntz families and many others. Padden descendants and Davis and Bonefield cousins from Houston, Denver, Glasgow. Columbus, Helena, Bozeman, Chicago, Belle Fourche, Ekalaka and Camp Crook attended the dedication. Those descendants in attendance included one great-grandson (Willard John Padden) and Benjamin Folsom Padden's wife (Dorothy); thirteen great-great grandchildren, nine great-great-great grandchildren, and eight great-great-great-great grandchildren were also there.


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