Your Community Builder

Letter to the editor

To my Ekalaka friends:

Since leaving Ekalaka last February, so much has happened, I hardly know where to start. First, I would like to give thanks to all who helped my family make this move go as smoothly as it did. Whether it was helping clear out the shed, or preparing and running the sale, opening the house to show to interested people and keeping the yard mowed.

The house has sold and I am living in an assisted living facility, the Tender Nest. My daughters helped me leave the Billings Clinic after a short stay in late February for Charla’s home in Red Lodge. The next six weeks included several trips to both Red Lodge and Billings clinics. The last two weeks in a rehab unit in Red Lodge convinced me that the Tender Nest was the right place for me.

The virus has kept me home in quarantine for the last nine months but I can visit with outsiders over the phone, through the window or over the fence when the weather permits. So far, I have tested negative for Covid. My cottage (population 16 when full) has gone into isolation ~ always in our rooms for meals, etc. ~ twice and we have lost three residents ~ one passed away and the other two moved elsewhere. My room has cable TV and my own restroom but I enjoy congregate meals prepared by the cottage staff. The cottage is well appointed, clean and kept in excellent shape by hard working staff. The girls are busy with their jobs but they call me everyday and visit nearly every week.

The Tender Nest has been approved for the first round of vaccine for long term care residents so when that is done, I am looking forward to getting to go to the facility’s salon for my first cut and perm in a year. I also anticipate enjoying performances at the Alberta Bair and the Billings Studio Theatre when they get back into action.

I hope this finds my former neighbors in good health and looking forward to a happy new year ahead.

Darlene Carter-Rose

4040 Parkhill Dr

#5 Bighorn Manor

Billings, MT 59106


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