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FWP trail grant programs

Fish Wildlife and Parks has multiple trail grants available. Funds can be used for maintenance, construction and signage, among other things. The deadline to apply for either of these grants is February 1st, 2021.

The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is a federal-aid program that provides funding for the development, renovation, and maintenance of recreational trails and trailside facilities. Montana's RTP has roughly $1.5 million available for funding, annually. Grant amounts range from $10,000- $100,000, with a 20% match of requested funds. RTP grant applicants may include federal, tribal, state, county, or municipal agencies and private associations and clubs. The organization applying to the RTP must be the organization that will expend the funds and manage the grant, no third party or fiscal sponsorships are allowed.

The Montana Trail Stewardship Grant Program (MTSGP) is a new state program that provides funding for the development, renovation, and maintenance of motorized and non-motorized recreational trails and trailside facilities throughout Montana and in its communities. Each cycle, the program targets funding 30% motorized projects, 30% non-motorized projects, and 40% diversified projects. The amount of available funding is expected to be approximately $1.25 million. Applicants may request up to $50,000 in grant funds. Each project must provide a 10% match of funds. Grant applicants may include federal, tribal, state, county, or municipal agencies (including school districts), and recreational associations and clubs.

All awards will be announced in late Spring 2021. Check out for more detailed information on these, and other, programs. If interested in applying for either program Eastern Plains Economic Development would be happy to provide grant writing services. Visit for contact information.


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