Your Community Builder

Conversations with God


Hello God, it’s me, Mara:

You know, Lord, it has been a while ago, but we did appreciate the thoughts expressed by a chap who was telling a group of us that there are backbiters out there, haters of You, Lord, proud braggarts, those who are disobedient to their parents, and heartless; and not only that, but that they also encourage others to DO those same things, too! Don’t they realize that there is a death penalty for these crimes as spoken of in Romans, 1:32, “.… that those who practice such things are deserving of death…”? Oops! You mean WE are some of these terrible people ourselves? Your word says that God, in justice, will punish anyone who does such things. Thank You, Lord, for being so patient with us. Yes, You are waiting all this time without punishing us, You are giving us time to turn from our sins. Your kindness is meant to lead us all to repentance. May we not wait too long. NOW is the accepted time.

Lord, help us to choose to listen to You. Your word continues,’ “…you (that means US) are saving up terrible punishment for yourselves because of your stubbornness in refusing to turn from your sins; for there is going to come a day of wrath when God will be the just Judge of all the world. He will give each one whatever his deeds deserve. He will give eternal life to those who patiently do the will of God …”

In each of our hearts we do know right from wrong, God’s laws are written there. We have no excuse. Christ will judge the secret lives of everyone – all part of God’s plan; as stated in Romans 2:12-16. Let us honor God by obeying His laws. We also know glory, honor, and peace is for everyone whose work is by doing good.

Love, Mara


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