Your Community Builder

To the citizens of Carter County

Citizens of Carter County:

The Carter County Commissioners, Disaster Emergency Services, and Board of Health would like to thank the Citizens of Carter County by doing their part in keeping Carter County free of COVID-19. Up to this point it has been through everyone’s due diligence that Carter County remains free of the virus.

We cannot stress enough that it is the responsibility of each individual to continue to do his or her part in protecting themselves from contracting the COVID-19 virus. By protecting yourself you are protecting all those around you.

Carter County will be hosting the Days of ‘85 while neighboring counties will also be hosting their annual fairs. During this time we encourage everyone to practice the Protection Codes: Practice Social Distancing (6 feet); Use Hand Sanitizer/Wash Your Hand Frequently; and Wear a Mask if you are not able to social distance.

It is importance to remain on guard against the virus. If we all do our part to protect ourselves while protecting others we can hopefully keep Carter County at ZERO CASES OF COVID-19.

It cannot be emphasized enough that the Carter County Officials do not want to apply restrictions or go back to closures, so please let us all be responsible and enjoy the upcoming events.

Thank you, Carter County.

Carter County Commissioners

Carter County Disaster & Emergency Services

Carter County Health Board


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