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Dahl announces new 'Lab Check' program

Since Dahl Memorial Healthcare was unable to hold an annual health fair this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the hospital will be offering screening labs at a lower cost to the community throughout the entire year. The new program, Lab Check, will consist of four screening tests that are available to the public year-round.

Lab Check is a service provided at a lower cost because the hospital does not use valuable resources required to submit claims to healthcare insurance companies or send paper statements, so payment will be required at the time of the test(s). Paperwork is available for community members to submit to their own heath insurance if they choose. If a business or employer will be paying for labs, the employee will have to pay at the time of service and the employer can then reimburse them.

Blood draws for the tests must be scheduled by appointment, and individuals being tested will be required to sanitize their hands and wear a mask while inside the facility to aide in protecting staff and residents. Masks will be provided. Anyone who is unable to wear a mask is asked to inform the lab associate so that alternate accommodations can be made. No walk-in testing is available in order to adhere to current social distancing standards and public health protocols.

Labs will be reviewed by a provider and mailed within 7-10 business days, depending on which tests are chosen. For any questions or to schedule a Lab Check, please call 406-775-8730.

Tests offered through Lab Check are listed below:

STANDARD PANEL (Electrolytes/Lipids/Liver/CBC/Iron/TSH/Uric Acid) - $35

PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) (Male only) - $25


HEMOGLOBIN A1C (average amount of glucose in the blood over the last 3 months) - $20


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