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The Pitfalls of Nativism

John F. Kennedy, from an Irish ancestry, said in regards to nativism, “But emotions of xenophobia – hatred of foreigners – and of nativism - the policy of keeping America ‘pure’ … continue to thrive.” Nowadays this quote might trigger in us Donald Trump’s “America First '' movement and the “Wall”, which was a cornerstone of his 2016 campaign.

Undoubtedly, nativism extends to states and in the case of Montana, into geographic portions of the state - west versus east. The sense of security that we all crave is upset by strangers. Everyone, myself included, doesn’t like those from out of state advising us, even though new ideas may benefit us.

Additionally, many who are in Montana feel they have protection from the worries of today, COVID-19 to riots. Unfortunately, the 50 states are interconnected, economically, legislatively and judicially. Our sense of security from this satisfaction of instinctive nativism, is only a temporary reprieve. Fallout from the virus and unrest will affect us all eventually, one way or another. Be it simply a loss of federal funding which Montana depends upon much more than is acknowledged.

Being open minded involves acknowledgment of nativist tendencies we own.

Erwin Curry

Missoula, Montana


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