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Ekalaka nearing precipitation record

As of Wednesday morning, Ekalaka had officially received 24.49 inches of precipitation, according to National Weather Service data. That number is 8.66 inches above normal.

In 1971 Ekalaka received 26.95 inches for the entire year, the most on record and about 2.5 inches more than the area has received so far this year.

Only twice has Ekalaka ever received over 25 inches of precipitation for the year. The other year was 2011 when 25.90 inches were recorded. That year holds a record for May precipitation with 11.99 inches. 1971 holds two monthly precipitation records; January of 1971 saw 1.58 inches and September of 1971 saw 5.12 inches.

This year, no monthly precipitation records have been broken, but every month the total has been at or above all-time averages. If Ekalaka receives average precipitation for the remainder of the year, the total will fall around 1.49 inches short of that 1971 record. Yet, even if she receives none, 2019 will still go down as the third wettest year on record.


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