Your Community Builder

Mayor's Notes

The council has been very busy with several projects this past summer.

• The pool was open regularly and swimming lessons went very well. Thank you to Claire Callahan, Max Larson, Emily O'Connell, Melissa Lovec and Amy Walker for all their time spent at the pool.

• Mag-chloride was put on some of the heavier traffic streets reducing the dust.

• The cement has been poured for the covered area at the park.

• Ordinances and policies have been cleaned up as well. Our goal was to review at least 2 ordinances per year and we have met that goal.

As always, breakdowns happen. We lost our lawn mower right before fair, but did get a loaner while the other was being worked on. Then the big tractor's lease expired. We participated in a program where we could pay a very small lease per year. The cost of this program has gone up considerably, so the town is currently researching our options. We are thankful for the community members who stepped up and helped us with mowing and street cleaning during that time.

The council is excited that work has begun on the new hospital. We are looking forward to having that new facility in Ekalaka.

We would also like to thank the County Commissioners and Carl Knapp for all their help this winter and summer. The help with Mormon Avenue and then replacing the two bridges on Cleveland and Chicago Avenue was very much appreciated!

Together with the Chamber of Commerce we are forming a committee to research a Veteran's Memorial Park. This would be located at Perso Park on the corner of Main and W. Speelmon. If there is any interest in joining this committee, contact Jessica Walker.

We have received grant funding to do preliminary engineering reports on replacement of water mains. We are also working on grant funding to complete a feasibility study on the levy.

Some of the concerns we currently have are still water/sewer line replacement. We have had the usual maintenance issues that have taken hits to the budget. We then have to put projects on the back burner to take care of those budget hits.

An ongoing concern that the council has is nuisance properties. We would like to encourage everyone to take pride in their property and in our town. Keep your lawn mowed regularly, keep yards neat and tidy, and reduce the junk vehicles in town.

Remember there is a JUNK VEHICLE program. If you have junk vehicles that you just don't have the equipment to get rid of, please see Kitty at the Town Office for information on this program. Ordinance states that all junk vehicles must be stored behind a fence or boundary. Brochures regarding junk vehicles were mailed to all consumers earlier this year.

We currently do not have a street sweeper, so I would like to ask that business owners on Main Street, please make every effort to keep the cigarette butts and trash cleaned up in front of their business. We have sent a letter expressing interest in a Mainstreet Project. This could possibly help with sprucing up store fronts, cleaning up property, and other possible beautification projects. The Council and Chamber will also be teaming up on this effort.

I hope that you all take as much pride in our little town as I do and enjoy showing it off to visitors.


Vicki L. Fix


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